Elements in the Human Body
Oxygen and Hydrogen Hydrogen and Oxygen are found in 75% of the Human Body with Hydrogen accounting for only 10% Oxygen can be found in all liquids (including blood), tissues, proteins, and bones Hydrogen is found in all liquids, tissues, and proteins
Carbon Is synonymous with life Second most abundant element in the human body Found everywhere in your body Every single organic molecule in your body contains carbon
Nitrogen Found in liquids(like blood), tissues, and proteins Tissue repair Cell replacement
Calcium Found in your lungs, kidneys, liver, muscles, and heart Also found in your teeth and bones
Other Elements Found in Your Body Phosphorus is found in about 1% of your body and most of it is found in your teeth and bones Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, and Sulfur are also found in your body Many more elements can be found but only in trace amounts
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