Les Numéros en France
Le Numéro de Téléphone an example of a phone number in France: What do you notice? All French phone numbers are ten digits, starting with a zero, when dialed from within France. How would you say this number in French? French phone numbers are said as pairs Say the number again correctly
How do you dial a French phone number from the United States? Add the international access code (011) + the country code (33) to the beginning of the number Drop the original zero What is the new number? (011.33) Say it in French
the first group of two 01 Paris area 01 Paris area 02 Northwest France 03 Northeast France 04 Southeast France 05 Southwest France 06 and 07 Mobile phone services
Emergency numbers
Les Adresses M./Mme/Mlle First Name Last Name M./Mme/Mlle First Name Last Name Number on street, Street name Zip code City Country Exemple: M. Patrick Durand 12, rue du Général de Gaulle 75 001 Paris FRANCE
The French postcode A French postcode is a five digit number. The first two numbers indicate the département number and the last three the area.
Street addresses
Say both the address and phone number for the following restaurant in French.