Welcome to Business, Finance and Marketing Mrs. Gentry 281-357-3030 ext. 1256 nicolegentry@tomballisd.net
Purpose of Business, Finance and Marketing To teach your child about the economy, business and banking industry. To teach your child how to manage their personal finances as an adult. My hope is that they will find a new appreciation for what you do as a parent.
Expectations for Students High school level not high school credit. Material is complex. Students need to take good notes. All tests will be open note. Students will gain valuable knowledge about being an adult.
Expectations for Parents Allow your kids to talk with you about the what is going in the world economically. Let them show you what they are learning. Let them fill out a check or your check register. This will let them see how this class applies to the real world. Encourage kids to come to school so as not to miss valuable information.
Grading Guidelines Work will consist of class note taking, book work, worksheets and hands-on activities. Follow the district grading guidelines of: 40% Daily work 60% Major grades 3 Major grades per 9 weeks 9 Daily grades per 9 weeks Grades are updated by Friday each week. Not much homework unless absent
Schedule and Conference Tutoring will be on an as needed basis by request and will need to be arranged ahead of time. Can use Genius period (Advisory for make up work) Late bus is available My conference time is 4th period between the hours of 10:19 and 11:07.
Teacher E-mail nicolegentry@tomballisd.net You can e-mail me anytime throughout the day. All e-mail and phone messages will be returned within 24 hours of being received. Please use Edlio for e-mail so that it does not get sent to quarantined e-mail.
Teacher Web pages Please subscribe to my Edlio page to receive updates on my class. To subscribe, just go to our individual teacher page using the WWJHS site. Then click on the subscribe. It will ask you for your email address.
Classroom Supplies Students will be given extra credit opportunities each nine weeks by bringing in much needed classroom supplies. 1st 9 weeks opportunity is (DUE SEPT. 30TH): Antibacterial Wipes or Box of Tissue Each student will only receive one extra credit each nine weeks.
Thank You for Coming We will have a great semester. Enjoy your evening!!!