MoWINs Grant Life Cycle Each college must form an Action Plan to proactively address three factors: Recruitment Retention Results While the site visits served to be a great testing ground prior to our next DOL monitoring visit, it was clear there were very few colleges who are documenting and collecting information that support the later two … Retention and Results! Today you will develop your action plan on these activities related in each, including who will perform this and how often will they perform this.
Recruitment Timeline: Jan 2015 – September 2017 Portal and Portal-like Program factors Eligibility Determination Enrollment Advising “Academic” Industry Advising (Make LMI Available) Financial Aid Assistance Assessments: NCRC; Digital Literacy; COMPASS Remediation/Dev. Ed./Digital Literacy/College Orientation Credit for Prior Learning Intake Partners: Missouri Career Centers; Come directly to College All of these actions require participant file documentation (electronic or paper) All of these actions require coordination of many key grant implementer roles.
Retention Timeline: January, 2015—Dec. 2017 Actions: Track Student Progress Case Note Academic Performance Pathway Adjustment when Necessary Supportive Services Star Students Stories Generated Track Credentials Awarded (credit and non-credit) Advising/Check-ins All of the above should have case notes in support of these actions. Tools/Tips: Have a ready-made word document with sample case notes you can copy and paste into the participant file: Instructor reported the student is progressing nicely, their performance and grades demonstrate the student is on track to complete. Student grades and attendance demonstrate supportive services will be needed to pass the course, will schedule a meeting next week with student to engage in tutoring and counseling.
Results Timeline: September 2015 – June 30, 2018 Actions: Job Placement/Career Advising Generation of Success Stories (student & employer) Outcome measures reporting & P2P Participant Files & Data Records Validation Participant Follow-up & Exit Surveys Curriculum Review CC Licensing, Tagging, & Uploading to OER All Grant Deliverables Packaged & Uploaded Documentation and case notes in support of career advising, job placement, exit interview should be documented in the participant’s file.
For All 3 “R”Factors, determine: What: Recruitment, Retention, Results When: Action starts & the Action stops Who: Who—specifically—will do each activity: *Navigator-Retention specialist *I.R. Staff *College Advisors *Grant Leads *MCC staff *WIB staff (per MOU agreement) *Team Effort How: How will you perform this? *Manually *Electronically *Email *Team Effort *Designate how much time (% )weekly This requires each college’s grant Team effort - Identify who on the grant team is doing what! Who will be checking/self-monitoring these activities? You will have 20 minutes to develop your Vision Board/Action Plan using post it notes, then we will allow for each to report out. Don’t panic, break each down, i.e.: this action will be done weekly, two hours each day, 50 participant files a week, etc.