IoT : Why Should We Care ? IOT is turning our world upside down….. IOT is NOT just an infrastructure issue. Mike Abbiatti, WICHE/WCET Boulder, CO
Framing the Discussion The BYOD on Steroids Conundrum What do we do with an increasing number of IP- enabled students who show up in IP-enabled vehicles ( or via high speed networks), wearing IP- enabled garments, bearing multiple IP-enabled devices, with the expectation that our community has the resources required to meet their expectations. Framing the Discussion
Important Distinctions Technology-assisted instruction was designed to meet standard outcomes.(automation) Technology-mediated instruction was designed to meet standard outcomes with more processing power.( slightly distributed responsibilities for teaching and learning) Technology-enhanced teaching and learning is designed to match student needs with digital content by leveraging processor speeds, advanced network speeds, student-specific data analytics, (disaggregation and reaggregation at the same time) Important Distinctions
Technology-enhanced teaching and learning is now a core imperative for all institutions. Technology-enhanced teaching and learning tools are time-limited. Technology-enhanced teaching and learning requires collaboration and resource sharing. Technology-enhanced teaching and learning spawns unanticipated innovation and creativity. Technology-enhanced teaching and learning complicates the lives of administrators. Interesting Facts
What’s Hot? Cybersecurity( Privacy versus Information Protection) Open Education Resources Adaptive Learning Accessibility Data Analytics Alternative Providers/credentialing Technology-mediated testing Social media in the “classroom” Remote instrumentation Professional Development What’s Hot?
Challenges being Highlighted BY IoT Inadequate funding – improving, but not rapidly enough Staffing Issues – too few, hard to replace Digital transition is a complex, multi-layered process. Pressure to offer more technology-enhanced credentials is building daily. Most all major business sectors in the developed countries have an IOT strategy – except US Higher Education.
IoT Risk - Facts IOT is here now. IOT a serious security risk. IOT is a privacy risk. Technology moves from the home to the institution instead of vice versa. US citizens spend at least 5.5% of their discretionary income on technology. ( AICPA 2015). This equates to 17% of their mortgage/rent payments. IoT Risk - Facts
IoT Risks - Facts Many Higher Ed institutions are not prepared to handle IOT. Many state legislatures are not prepared to handle IOT-related investments. Research labs and academic Sandboxes are gearing up. Data derived from IOT devices is admissible in court as evidence. IOT devices, apps, and services will continue to proliferate in the foreseeable future.
Interesting Facts Impacted by IoT US citizens spend roughly 5.5% of their discretionary budget on technology. Citizens only save 4% per year. (AICPA) – IOT will increase the percentage spent on technology. Average spending per FTE on technology is less than $1,000 or about 4.2% of overall budget.(Educause Core Data Service Executive Summary Report 2016) – IOT will force this figure to increase. Funding for technology in K-20 education is stable, not showing significant growth. IOT will influence the political process. All major business sectors except Education have a visible IOT Strategy in place or under development.
If the Higher Ed community merely ignores IOT , then we stand the possibility of becoming irrelevant in the big picture. Outsourcing is a major trend across the Educational ecosystem; legislators, funding agencies and foundations are well aware of the critical need to reduce costs and increase efficiency. IOT will put significant pressure on the decision-makers to react to the building pressure from IP-enabled voters to be sure Education is as “seamless” and efficient as technology will allow. Therefore, IOT should be engaged now as much more than a trendy infrastructure phenomenon. As always, follow the money. Bottom Line
IoT is Much more than Infrastructure QUESTIONS ?