Action/Sports Photography


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Presentation transcript:

Action/Sports Photography Alan Witt Seneca Valley Digital Photography

What is action photography? Showing a subject as completing some action. How can we show action when by definition we are only capturing one frame, one moment in time? What tools do you think we need or would help for this kind of photography? Why?

Make a list of possible subjects that you can shoot for the genre. Defining the Genre 1. Freeze the action How do we show action while were freezing the motion? 2. Show the motion Direct the viewer to or through the motion 3. Tell the story How can you do this in one frame? 4. Make it work Above all, get the shot Any image that depicts an activity is happening can be considered action photography. Make a list of possible subjects that you can shoot for the genre.

Shutter Drag Long exposure that freezes in-animate objects but streaks anything that moves.

Motion Framing / Timing Are you fast enough?

Pan & Drag

Historical Relevance Inspiration Athletics Roots in Photo journalism Greek Culture Roots in Photo journalism Popularized by media and news paper Editorial Photography Pankration – “All of Might”

Famous Sports Art Work

Special Equipment Two cameras Telephoto Lens 1- 100-400mm Monopod

Techniques High Shutter Speed Why? Low F-Stop 1/1000+ 5.6 or lower Describe your process of exposing the shot with these settings? Bruce Kluckhohn

Conclusion- Tough Work Ticket exchange for work “Good Enough” Work vs. The Best Work

Sign Up to Sign Out We encourage you to attend a school related sporting event. Indoor or outdoor but outdoor is way more fun. You must have a field pass signed by Mr. Witt or Mr. Shafer 3 Passes per event – First come first serve
