Alpha Phi Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society Virginia Commonwealth University
What Is Alpha Phi Sigma Alpha Phi Sigma is the only national criminal justice honor society that recognizes the academic excellence of undergraduate and graduate students who major or minor in criminal justice. The purpose of Alpha Phi Sigma is to bring out the best in its members during their time in school while also bringing them opportunities in their local or native area.
Why Join National recognition for academic excellence and access to programs and scholarships available only to members of Alpha Phi Sigma. Exclusive access to events and informational meetings that can involve fun activities, personal growth sessions, and career prospects . Add a leadership role to gain experience: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer
Events Shooting Range Shooting Simulations Panel Discussion Police Academy Training & Tours Ride Alongs Movie Nights Guest Speakers Go Karts/Paintball/Escape Room RVA
Requirements Becoming A Member: Maintaining Membership: Be declared a Criminal Justice major or minor Have a minimum 3.2 GPA overall Have completed a minimum of 12 credits in Criminal Justice courses or be currently enrolled in at least 12 credits of criminal justice courses by the time you apply. Maintaining Membership: Dues: $25 per semester Active Participation in events Attending monthly meetings
Application Process Download application Fill out application electronically Print application Place application and payment in the amount of $75 in a sealed envelope Place sealed envelope in the Alpha Phi Sigma mailbox located in the Student Organization’s Office (downstairs in the Student Commons) by the deadline! (Note: If you are selected for membership, you will be required to submit the $75 payment by a designated time to obtain official membership).
Commonly Asked Questions How can I pay the $75 new member fee? Cash or Check (checks made payable to Alpha Phi Sigma) What if I am not accepted? The full $75 will be returned to you (checks will not be processed unless you are accepted). Is there Honor Regalia for graduation? Yes. You can purchase Alpha Phi Sigma regalia which includes cords, medallions & stoles. You can buy them individually or for a set price purchase all three for graduation! Is it time consuming? Not at all. However, you do need to maintain membership by particpating and going to meetings! What does the $75 entail? The new member fee of $75 is made of two different fees ($50 new member fee that covers initiation and other new member costs, $25 for semesterly chapter dues that cover events, merchandise, etc.) Do I only pay the $75 once? Yes, once you are a member, dues are only $25 per semester until you graduate, resign membership, or go alum.
Contact Information Sydney Smith-President Trista Smith-Vice President Kiana Phillips-Treasurer Deadline for applications: Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017 Initiation for accepted applicants: TBA