2017-2018 GENERAL FUND bUDGET – SECOND Reading DEON JACKSON, INTERIM Superintendent Jacque’ carlen, interim CHIEF FINANCE OFFICER JUNE 27, 2017
WHAT MAKES THIS BUDGET UNIQUE? This budget is based on maintaining the same millage rate at 163.8 for operations. Additional funds are needed to open Philip Simmons High. Two new elementary schools will open in August 2018. In addition to the step increase, there is a 2% mandated increase on employer portion for retirement on SCRS, PORS and ORP. This 2% percent increase equates to $3.2 million and will be covered by PEBA credit invoice and state funding allocation. A mandated 1% increase takes effect next fiscal year through 2022 equates to $1.6 million and will continue to grow as our District experiences employee growth. The increase of $179,025 on teacher fringe benefits from state money does not cover the 3.3% health insurance increase effective January 2018. This 3.3% increase equates to $905,000 for the new fiscal year. Revised Base Student Cost increases to $2425 for 2017-2018 from $2350. The BSA remains below the Budget and Control Board’s Mandate of $2984 which equates to $18.6 million additional funding. Although increasing, the BSA is still below the level of 2006-2007 Fiscal Year. 2
(instructional supplies) 2017-2018 Board BUDGET Priorities Board Priorities District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8 District 9 Support millage increase? No Support use of 8% funds? Yes Special Programs (e.g. Choice, Arts, Rural Schools) 2 4 2 1 Restoration of Items Reduced in Previous Budgets (Personnel, supplies, etc.) 5 (instructional supplies) Demands on Growth 3 Support Personnel (e.g. Admin Assistants, Interventionists, Instructional Assistants) Technology Coaches – Technology Improvement 1 3 School Bus – Transportation Improvement Competitive Compensation 2 *( & rural school) 1 Additional .5 Clerical Asst (Elementary/Middle) Additional Testing Coordinators Incentive Pay for Teachers in Rural Areas *
2017-2018 FUNDING requests 5
2017-2018 district level requests 9
2017-2018 district level requests 10
2017-2018 Budget Calendar √ Jan. 14- Feb. 29: 90 day attendance report to Administrative Supervisors Supervisors with the support of the Chief Academic Officer & Superintendent confirm and/or establish pupil/teacher ratios √ January 10-February 9 Ways & Means Budget Subcommittee Meetings √ February 14-16 Ways and Means Proviso Subcommittee Meetings √ February 20-23 Ways & Means Full Committee Budget Meetings √ March 6-13 Appropriation Bill Printed √ March 13-16 House floor debate √ March 29 Budget request expenditures due from principals to Interim Executive Director of Finance √ April 4-13 Senate floor debate √ April 10 Cross Over Deadline √ April 10-14 House/Senate on furlough √ Week of April 17 Cabinet will review and prioritize school and department budget requests √ May 1 Superintendent and Cabinet prioritize budget based on input and funds available √ May 9 Board Workshop and solicit board member priorities √ May 11 Last Day of Session – Final State Budget has not been passed √ May 15-19 Proposed for Community Meetings √ May 23 Superintendent recommends budget to Board √ June 7 Notification received – Final State Budget passed on June 6 √ June 13 First reading of proposed budget June 27 Public Hearing and Board approves budget 11