Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
SEAC Annual Report 2016-2017 Vivian Evett Chairperson
Purpose Advise SPS of needs in the education of children with disabilities; Participate in the development of priorities and strategies for meeting identified needs; Submit periodic reports and recommendations regarding the education of children with disabilities; Assist SPS in interpreting plans to the community for meeting special needs of children with disabilities for educational services; Review the policies and procedures for the provision of special education and related services; Participate in the review of the SPS’s annual plan
Membership Majority of voting membership – parents of students with disabilities One teacher voting member Community service providers Consultants Director of Special Education Supervisors of Special Education Parent Resource Center Facilitator School Board Liaison
Organization Governed by bylaws last revised December 2009 Subcommittees are assigned as needed to address goals of SEAC 2016-17 Goals: Disability Awareness Transition Data and Assessments Transportation Communication Resources Disability Policies
Meetings SEAC meets six times a year KFMS at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Open to the public Advertised in community publications Subcommittees meet as needed Public Comment No Public Comment given 2016-17
SEAC 2016-2017 Activities Disability Awareness Disability Awareness Goals: Raise public awareness SEAC brochures Disability History and Awareness Month Awareness activities in schools Communicate functions of local advisory committees Mentor other SEACs Sensitivity issue – “Celebrating Autism”
Disability Awareness and Resource Fair No SPS Resource Fair in 2016-17 Organized to be yearly event Resources to parents from school and community sources Simulation centers Raise awareness of disabilities Better understanding of challenges with disabilities Look forward to this event this year
Little Feet Meet SEAC cosponsored with Special Olympics of Virginia (SOVA) at King’s Fork High School Rained out again SOVA provided all equipment and training Elementary students receiving self-contained services Students were to be paired with typically developing peers Student leaders from KFHS were to run entire event Elementary Schools held abbreviated events Scheduled for October with rain date in Spring
Transition Transition Goals: Monitors secondary transition services Transition service preparations before age 14 The Pruden Center restructure Vocational Evaluation
Data and Assessment Data and Assessment Goals: Review testing data and assessments Review graduation and/or exit data Monitor accreditation issues Assess data on students found ineligible for services Ensure ineligibility not based on family financials
Transportation Transportation Goals: Extended School Year (ESY) transportation issue Transportation Advisory Committee SEAC liaison member
Communication Communication Goals: Improve communication between schools and parents Develop listserve Develop Special Education Survey Develop a SEAC Facebook page
Resources Resource Goals: Improve resource availability Develop Welcome Packets New materials for PRC
IEP Software IEP Goals: Sunguard purchased by PowerSchool Software support may no longer be available Statewide IEP program
Budget Review Budget Goals: Review for impact on special education services No Public Comment to School Board
School Board Policies School Board Policies: Review policies impacting students receiving special education services Student and Staff manuals No issues or errors noted during the 2016-17 school year
SEAC 2017-2018 Voting Membership: Leslie Schiefer (parent) – Chairperson Louis Bagley (grandparent) – Vice Chairperson Ann Dunn (parent) - Secretary Debra Bagley (grandparent) Shameka Council (teacher) Regina Hall (parent) Jennie Mayr (parent) Theresa Jackson-Pope and Rebecca Shaw (WTCSB)
SEAC 2017-2018 Nomination Procedures: Special Education Department request to change procedures State Advisory Committee procedures Current procedures in line with VDOE Local Advisory Committee guidelines Change would lessen effectiveness of SEAC Change would be in nonconformance with VDOE guidelines for Local Advisory Committees
Goals for 2017-2018 Specific goals TBD SEAC will continue to focus on how the following impacts students with disabilities: Academic Performance Graduation/Drop-out Diploma Options Transition Services SOLs and Alternate Assessments Transportation Disability Awareness Disability Harassment Physical Restraint and Seclusion Special Education Budget Special Education Parent Resources
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)