Californians for Justice Regional Leadership Structures 2010-11 ** STATEWIDE: Student Board Members from each Region & Statewide Student Strategy Team w/2 Reps from each Region HIS Orgz Parent Orgz Parent Orgz Peralta Orgz Peralta Orgz Justice Fellows Recruitment Chair Campaign Chair Campaign Chair Chapter Pres Campaign Chair Chapter Pres Chapter Pres Chapter Pres Chapter Pres Chapter Pres Chapter Pres Chapter Pres Chapter Pres HS Interns/Youth Organizers All-Intern Mtg 1xmo Summer Youth Leadership Academy & Statewide Leader Retreat (All Regions) Cantor! All-Intern Mtg 1xmo SEED (Campaign Cmte Mtg Weekly) Coordinating Cmte Mtg 1xmo All Intern HS Mtg Weekly) Core Leaders Core Leaders Mtgs (weekly) Campaign Cmte Mtg 2xmo Core Leaders Mtgs (weekly) Core Leaders Mtgs (YO POP) and Engaging Eds (2xmo) PSA Core Leaders Mtgs (weekly) Officer Mtgs (Monthly at EHS) Officer Mtgs Officer Mtgs (weekly) Roosevelt HS Chpt James Lick HS Chpt Overfelt HS Chpt Students from: Renaissance HS, Wilson HS Chapter Members & New Members Cabrillo HS Chpt Poly HS Chpt Fresno HS Chpt Edison HS Chpt Oakland HS Chpt Independence HS Chpt Silver Creek HS Chpt LONG BEACH FRESNO SAN JOSE OAKLAND
Californians for Justice Structure Definitions Statewide Student Strategy Team President/Chair Organizes and facilitates chapter meetings, campaigns, basebuilding, planning, and school events. (Intern) Vice-President/ Campaigns Chair Works with Pres. to coordinate school based campaign and build alliances on campus (staff, clubs, etc.) Secretary/Recruitment Coordinates recruitment events, outreach, socials. Publicizes and documents meetings and activities. Builds visibility and awareness Treasurer/Fundraising Coordinates school fundraising events, tracks membership dues ($5/semester) and chapter budget. Chapter Leadership Roles * Varies by Region Campaign Committee (Districtwide): Coordinates district and statewide campaigns, strategies, decisions. Plans campaign actions and events. Reps from each region provide leadership and strategy on statewide and national campaigns and alliances (CQE, AEJ) Recruitment Committee (Districtwide): Coordinates recruitment and retention activities: socials, peer to peer recruitment, one on ones, etc. Part of leadership pipeline, a year-long training ground for college students or alumni to develop as organizing staff. Justice Fellows (Alumni) 7 week long intensive organizing internship for core leaders. Skill building and Political Ed. *Also run an Advanced SYLA who train SYLA. Summer Youth Leadership Academy (SYLA) Year-long paid internship for high school core leaders to lead chapters, campaigns, recruitment and fundraising. Youth Organizers/Interns Meet weekly during lunch (30-40 mins). Carries out school based campaigns, recruitment, and fundraising. Monthly political ed or skills building. Connects to district and statewide campaigns, events. Chapter Meetings Meet 2-4x month for 2 hours afterschool. Monthly political ed or skills building. Monthly engaging ed (peer exchanges, ally events, artivism, field trips). Input on district and statewide campaigns and events, fundraising, and recruitment. Core Leader Meetings Chapter Officer Meetings: Meet weekly/every other week. Makes decisions on chapter agendas, campaigns, recruitment, fundraising, and planning.