IFSP Aligned with the Early Intervention Data System


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Presentation transcript:

IFSP Aligned with the Early Intervention Data System Technical Assistance Webinar October 22, 2015

Agenda Page by page review of the IFSP form aligned with the EI data system, using a case study Discussion and Questions

Revisions and updates to the data system are in the works. A Noteworthy Point There are still discrepancies between what is captured in the data system and what is recorded on the form. Revisions and updates to the data system are in the works.

Background Information Section A: Information About Your Child and Family This section of the IFSP documents information about the child, his or her caregivers, the relationship of each caregiver to the child and the members of the child’s household. Changes: Form language references “your child” and “your family” throughout Separate entries for parent/guardian, allowing for documentation of caregivers that live in different locations Documentation of best method of contact Type of IFSP, referral and insurance information in data system Entering information: The primary caregiver, with whom the child resides most often should be entered first

Background Information Section B: Important Contact Information This section of the IFSP documents information about the comprehensive service coordinator for the family, their supervisor, the administrative unit where the child resides, the Child Find contact and projected IFSP meeting dates. Changes from previous form: Family-friendly guidance language added Information about the supervisor of the service coordinator added Projected meeting dates added

Evaluation or Assessment Results Section A: General Health and Medical Information This section of the IFSP documents information about the child’s birth history, the child’s medical home, physicians and specialists and general health concerns, including nutrition, growth and dental. Changes from previous form: Family-friendly guidance language added Gestational age and birth weight added Information previously recorded under Present Levels of Development

Evaluation or Assessment Results Section A: General Health and Medical Information, Continued This section of the IFSP documents information about the child’s vision and hearing, including the results of screening or testing and corrections to the child’s vision and hearing. Changes from previous form: Additional questions about the child’s vision and hearing, including family history and any corrections made to hearing or vision Guidance questions regarding when the child’s vision or hearing was last screened Timelines Vision – 6 months Hearing – 12 months

Present Levels of Development Section A: Strengths and Needs of Your Child This section of the IFSP documents information about the strengths and needs of the child in each of the five developmental areas; adaptive, cognitive, physical and social and emotional. In each area, examples of skills that may be observed in that area are noted, including how this area of development is observed in infants.

Present Levels of Development Section A: Strengths and Needs of Your Child, Continued This section of the IFSP continues the documentation of information about the strengths and needs of the child in each of the five developmental areas. Additional child and family information that is important to give a complete picture of the child and family is also recorded in this section.

Evaluation or Assessment Results Section B: Present Levels of Development Determined Through Evaluation and/or Assessment This section of the IFSP documents the details of the multidisciplinary evaluation or assessment, including methods and tools used and the child’s level of functioning in each developmental area. Information that has been recorded in detail in the previous Present Levels of Development section does not need to be repeated here.

Evaluation or Assessment Results Section B: Present Levels of Development Determined Through Evaluation and/or Assessment, Continued This section continues the documentation of the developmental information obtained during the multidisciplinary evaluation or assessment, including the results of the hearing and vision screen. Completion of Developmental Level/Age Range is optional. This will be use primarily for GO4IT pilot communities. Changes from previous form: Replaces Evaluation/Assessment Results grid Results Summary for each developmental area replaces Evaluation/Assessment Comments

Evaluation or Assessment Results Section C: Eligibility This section of the IFSP documents the details of the eligibility determination of the child. Changes: Information about a child who is Not Eligible has been moved to the top of the page Informed Opinion of Delay is used to document when a child has been determined to have a current, significant delay in development through informed clinical opinion.

Section A: Information Gathered Through Family Assessment This section of the IFSP documents the information gathered through a conversational family assessment. All information should be documented in the family’s own words. Changes: Family-friendly guidance language has been added A place to note the initial concerns of the family has been added For now, note this under first routine box in data system

Section A: Information Gathered Through Family Assessment, Continued Family Assessment is required to be conducted through the use of an approved tool as a part of the initial assessment. CCBs may choose to conduct family assessment annually, but this is not required. Information gathered through family assessment is reviewed and updated as needed at each Periodic or Annual IFSP review.

Concerns and Priorities Section A: The Concerns, Priorities and Resources of Your Family This section is used to identify the concerns and immediate priorities that the family has identified as most important and that would make the greatest impact in their daily life and the supports and resources of the family. Changes: Guidance questions for identifying priorities are no longer on form. Your Family’s Supports and Resources documents information that the family has shared about their formal and informal resources and supports. This can include information about other state or local programs they are receiving support from, groups they belong to, or friends or family that are a source of support.

Section A: Your Child’s Development Related to the 3 Global Outcomes STOP! This page is not currently available for use. The Global Outcomes tab can be accessed in the data system, but no information should be entered here. The GO4IT pilot communities will begin to use this page after training in November. All Child Outcomes Ratings are still entered in the EI Provider Database.

IFSP Outcomes/Plan of Action Section A: Child and Family IFSP Outcomes and Plan of Action Child IFSP Outcome #1 This section is used to document a meaningful outcome for the family and the child that is functional and measurable and to identify strategies that will address the outcome(s). Changes: Where are you starting? replaces What We See Now IFSP Outcome is now split into two parts. What would you like to see happen? records basic information about the change the family would like to see to the routine. How will you know … is achieved? adds the measurable criteria Strategies are recorded directly after the outcome

IFSP Outcomes/Plan of Action Section A: Child and Family IFSP Outcomes and Plan of Action Child IFSP Outcome #2 Changes: Global Outcomes Addressed: This section documents the Global Outcomes that the Individual IFSP Outcome addresses or if not applicable because the outcome is a family outcome. This section is optional at this time.

IFSP Outcomes/Plan of Action Section A: Child and Family IFSP Outcomes and Plan of Action Family Outcome #3 A family may prioritize a concern that is not directly related to the child. In this case, a “family outcome” will be developed. Family outcomes may require assistance from the service coordinator to access resources, but do not usually require an EI Service. The intent of family outcomes is to support the family to accomplish the outcome.

EI Services and IFSP Agreement Section A: Early Intervention Services This section is completed as the final step of the written plan by the parent(s) or legal guardian(s), service coordinator and other IFSP team members. The strategies to meet the outcomes on the IFSP are the basis for planning services to meet child and family needs. Changes: Frequency is noted as the total number of visits that will be occurring for the duration of the IFSP, with a maximum duration of 12 months Additional information to define how services will be provided, such as 1 x week is documented. This will be added to the data system

EI Services and IFSP Agreement Section B: Other Services and Signatures This section documents that other services that are needed to meet the individual outcomes, explanation of the family’s rights, and the signatures of the IFSP team members.

EI Services and IFSP Agreement Section C: Justification for Services in Settings Other Than the Natural Environment This section documents the determination by the IFSP team that an EI service cannot effectively be provided in the child’s and family’s natural environment. Written documentation is provided on this page as to why an outcome is not being achieved satisfactorily with services provided in a natural environment.

Periodic or Annual Review Child IFSP Outcome #1 At each IFSP review, including the annual and periodic reviews, each IFSP outcome is reviewed using the Review of IFSP Outcome section of the IFSP Outcomes/Plan of Action page. Changes: Replaces Periodic Review page IFSP Outcomes are reviewed at each periodic or annual review Example: Outcome Met - The child has met the outcome.

Periodic or Annual Review Child IFSP Outcome #2 Outcome Not Met - If the outcome is not met, choose one of the following. Continued: The child has made progress toward the outcome, but has not yet met the outcome and the outcome is still a priority of the family Revised: The outcome was too ambitious for the child and needs to be modified in order to be accomplished within six months and the outcome is still a priority of the family Discontinued: The outcome is no longer a priority of the family If outcome is not met, add a narrative that provides detail about why the outcome was not met. Example: The outcome was not met and was discontinued. This priority will be revisited after the completion of surgery.

Periodic or Annual Review Family IFSP Outcome All IFSP outcomes are reviewed, including family outcomes. Example: Outcome was not met, but it is still of importance to the family

Section A: Transition Plan The Transition Plan is used to document the steps and services that are taken to assure a smooth transition of the child from EI services to the subsequent activities or settings for the child.

Updated Forms Posted Coming soon! IFSP Aligned with Data System Handwritten IFSP Aligned with the Data System Electronic NEW FORMAT! IFSP Aligned with Data System Handwritten Spanish Version Coming soon! IFSP Aligned with Data System Electronic Spanish Version

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