Finalizing Grades in Power Teacher
Grade Calculation Setup To make sure that the gradebook is calculating the final grade correctly, all gradebooks must have the S1 or S2 calculations setup as stated below. MUST BE DONE FOR EACH CLASS. Click on GRADE SETUP Click on S1 or S2 under REPORTING TERM Make sure “TERM WEIGHTS” is selected ; M1, M2, M3 or M4, M5, M6 should show 33.3% in the Percent column. Click SAVE. 1 2 This must be exactly as it appears here 3
Important Setup Step Go to “Tools” then “Preferences” In “Preferences” screen select that (1) grades should be ‘Rounded’ and (2) Store calculated grades with up to “0” decimal places. 1 2
4 5 1-2 Enter all assignment grades in the gradebook. Check grades for correctness. Common errors may be an assignment with: (1) no points, (2) a date out of range [not within the marking period dates], and/or (3) categories not represented or incorrectly weighted. Assignments that are to be made up should be entered as a “0” (It is much easier to explain that a grade went up 25 pts. rather than dropped that many due to makeup work). Click on the Final Grades tab. Double click on the final grade of a student to make changes or add comments. You will get the Final Grade score inspector window. Make sure to change BOTH percent and grade. 4 5 1-2
*You can leave as many comments as you want 1. Click on the Comment tab for a list of pre-established grading comments. Click on the comment(s)you want to use. They will display in the comment box at the bottom. You can also type in your own comments. For M3 and M6 grading periods put comments on S1 and S2 scoresheets. 2. A blue-encircled C will appear by the grade to denote a comment was made. *You can leave as many comments as you want *If the student has an “F” leave at least 1 comment as to why 1 2 Teacher-created comments should be short
Complete this step ONLY if you need to make manual changes To override a grade click on the “Score” tab. Click the “Manual Override” checkbox. Change the number in the “Percent” AND “Grade”. Click Close. The final grade will become bold, in italics, with a red circle to denote an override. Complete this step ONLY if you need to make manual changes This is also where you will manually override any grade lower than a 60% to a 60% during M1 or M4. All students need a grade- No blanks or “I” 1 2 5 3 5
MUST DO FOR EACH SECTION 1. Once you are certain that all grades are entered correctly and comments are complete, click the In Progress box. In the Final Grades Completion Status window, click on the box beside Final Grades Complete. You can add another comment if you wish. Click OK. The In Progress box will turn green. You can go back and forth between the In Progress box and the Final Grades Complete option until you are absolutely sure all grades are final and correct. If it is the end of the Semester, you must complete Steps 1-3 for S1 and M3 or S2 and M6 MUST DO FOR EACH SECTION 1 2
1 2 Click on Reports. Select Final Grade and Comment Verification. Set up the report as seen below (PDF, Selected Classes, All Enrolled, Student Name, Course Grade, check grade and comment, select Reporting Term (Ex: M1, M4, S1, etc). Select M3 and S1 or M6 and S2 at the end of semesters. 1 2
Email the .PDF file to Charity Finks 16. On the Layout tab, choose Bottom Note, type in a final comment, click on Signature Line. Email the .PDF file to Charity Finks Run the report and email the .PDF to Charity Finks. All changes after this point will need to be changed by hand. Consult your administrator for further assistance. DO NOT CHANGE GRADES FROM ANY MARKING PERIOD AFTER THE DEADLINE FOR FINISHING GRADES WITHOUT FIRST SEEING THE AP!!!!
Email the .PDF file to Charity Finks 1 Save the file to your computer Save files using your last name, the marking period, and block as the name for the verification files (Ex: jwilkinsM2B2) Open your email, click on “New Mail”, attach the files, and send to Charity.