Pre-Departure Health & Safety Presentation General Education Office: A Paul Jones Hall (120 Wright Street) Ellen Barclay, Associate Dean & Interim Director of General Education Lezlie Weber, Assistant Director of Cross-Cultural Experiences
Pre-Planning Required Passport/Visa Copies of Passport and make sure it valid for 6 months after travel Local address, flight itinerary; contact numbers for family & friends Familiarize yourself with local laws and customs Know about the destination before you leave
Health: Pre-Departure Keep medications in original containers First aid kit, prepare a small personalized kit Inoculations (CDC) Protect valuable documents (Passport!) Travel with companions Take medical records with you to your to site location Stay alert and pay attention to what is going on around you
Cultural Experience Learn from locals about non-verbal messages to avoid or adopt Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions tool, Hofstede, intercultural communication tool Be prepared for moments of sadness and disappointment when expectations don’t meet reality: otherwise known as culture shock
Cultural Adjustment Cycle
Packing list If you don’t use it everyday don’t bring it Interchangeable wardrobe Change of clothes in case luggage is lost Money belt Rain coat Day pack Battery operated watch Local currency Guide book with language section Contact numbers in case of an emergency Insurance cards
Communicating From Abroad Cell phones Check with current provider to see if phone will work or add location abroad to your phone Internet Calls Skype Magic Jack Google chat
Money Did you call your bank to advise of location abroad and duration? Do you know your daily limit? What if your cards get stolen? How much money should you carry?
Drugs and Alcohol Each year, 2,500 Americans are arrested overseas. One third of the arrests are on drug-related charges. Please remember that Carroll Code of Conduct applies while abroad on our programs. Violation of Code of Conduct can result in student being sent home from the program at their own expense Student handbook can be found online, policies regarding CCEs begin on page 63
HTH Insurance information Cost of insurance is usually included in the cost of your CCE program. CCE staff will register you closer to the date of departure. This will generate an email where you can access your card and print it off. You can also look through the information to locate health providers in the region. This is your primary insurance while abroad
Post Decision Materials Required Materials: Medical Health Statement Conduct Standards &Procedures for Off-Campus Study/ International & Off-Campus Programs Agreement Release from Liability & Authorization Form Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) If you need help completing your post-decision materials online, email us at
Medical Health Statement Medical Health Statement must be turned into General Education office before departure. Health Center Travel Consult is $12 If you have a condition or allergy please disclose to your instructors. If you are uncomfortable with this, you can disclose to our office or friend on program.
STEP Passport Itinerary/Accommodation Information The U.S. State Department's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program can be found here: It is a free service provided by the U.S. Government for U.S. Citizens/Nationals traveling internationally. STEP allows you to register your travel so the Department of State can better assist you in an emergency. To register, please make sure that you have the following information: Passport Itinerary/Accommodation Information Information for your emergency contact Signature Documents are legally binding, please read and understand before you sign Carroll Code of Conduct applies while you are off-campus Violation of Code of Conduct can result in student being sent home from the program at their own expense Student Handbook can be found online, policies regarding CCEs begin on page 58
Ways to get involved after your CCE CCE Ambassador opportunities Peer Advisor positions Volunteer at CCE fairs Lessons from abroad re-entry conference Enter photo contests #piogoesglobal