The Aquinas Maneuver The most persuasive emotions, at your service Control the Mood The Aquinas Maneuver The most persuasive emotions, at your service
Control the mood… “Aristotle said that one of the most effective mood changes is a detailed narrative. The more vivid you make the story, the more it seems like a real experience, and the more your audience will think it will happen again.”
Control the mood… “(Tell a story…) that give(s) (your audience) a thrill of recognition. // Emotions are linked to the familiar.”
Control the mood… “When you argue emotionally, speak simply.” “Don’t visibly exaggerate your emotions. Let your audience do that for you.”
Control the mood… “Emotion works best at the end.”
Control the mood… “Humor ranks above all the other emotions in persuasiveness, in part because it works the best at improving your ethos. A sense of humor not only calms people down, it makes you appear to stand above petty squabbles.”
Control the mood… “Humor can change their emotions and their minds, but the persuasion stops there.”
Control the mood… “Aristotle…said that some emotions—such as sorrow, shame, and humility—can prevent action altogether.” “Other emotions—such as joy, love, esteem, and compassion—work better, Aristotle said.”
Control the mood… “Aristotle called the use of fear a fallacy—argument by the stick—even if the speaker isn’t the one doing the threatening. Fear compels people to act, and compulsion precludes a choice. No argument there, only naked instinct.”
Control the mood… “A person who desires something is especially susceptible to anger.” “The easiest way to stimulate anger is to belittle that desire.”
Control the mood… “If you want to stir up the masses, don’t just promote your cause or attack its opponents; portray the enemy as belittling your cause.”
Control the mood… “Patriotism does a much better job of looking into the future.” “Emulation: Provide only the kind of role model your audience already admires.”