Diphoton+MET: Update on Plans and Progress Bruce Schumm SCIPP On Behalf of the Photon+X Working Group La Plata, LPNHE Paris, Milano, Tokyo Tech, UCSC 21 January 2016
But First: Photon + jets: status and next steps 01/11/12 01/11/12 Optimization and Control Regions studies (including fits and normalization factors) are done and results are documented in the backup note. Data driven background estimates for jets faking photon will be based on the proposed ABCD method, but need to be adapted to the photon+jets scenario with the corresponding selection (contribution is very small in SR anyways). Systematics Tools for systematics concerning object identification and calibration are in place in SUSYTools but the corresponding uncertainties still need to be evaluated. Signal theory systematics are already evaluated. Background theory systematics need to be evaluated. Validation Regions are in place, need to run and have a preliminary look at the distributions (MC based backgrounds and no systematics yet). Back to Diphotons… 2 2
Recent Progress to be Reported Signal Grid Optimization EW (e ) background e fake rate estimation QCD ( and j ) backgrounds Irreducible backgrounds W control sample Z cross section scale factor Plans January 21 2016
January 21 2016
January 21 2016
January 21 2016
Resubmit 12 failed points very soon… Comparison of kinematics between old and new (1300,1290) point checks out Resubmit 12 failed points very soon… January 21 2016
New: minimum background uncertainty of b = 0.2 events January 21 2016
Optimization: (mgluino,mbino) = (1500,100) January 21 2016
Optimization: (mgluino,mbino) = (1500,1300) January 21 2016
Optimization Results Results suggest single SR with the following selection cuts: pT > 75 GeV (jet,MET) > 0.5 Etmiss > 175 GeV Meff > 1500 GeV Relative to the 8 TeV analysis, we have Introduced background uncertainty in the optimization Have x10 less luminosity This seems to lessen emphasis on ultra-low background, lead to optimization point that is very inclusive of the signal, de-emphasizing the differences between the two focus points. January 21 2016
Background Estimation EW (e ) Background e fake rate estimation QCD (jet ) Background Irreducible Background Wgg (via control sample) Zgg (via Sherpa normalized to Bozzi et al) January 21 2016
e Fake Rate Slightly new approach: no distinction between “tag” and “probe”; instead, just look at ee and e pairs within the Z mass region Consider both electron and photon objects down to 25 GeV ee e January 21 2015
e Fake Rate Continued Form 2D grids in , pT Two entries for ee events; only photon for e events Ratio of grids gives fake rate as a function of , pT Have required e+e- to be back-to-back; may limit pT reach of study Are looking into removing this requirement January 21 2016
January 21 2015
QCD Background Estimate Old approach: “Data” in above plot is pseudophoton control sample is from MC Use MET shape of pseudophoton sample, after subtracting off contribution, to estimate QCD background July 15 2015
New Approach: “ABCD” Method Real diphoton background from MC Jet contribution from date-driven fake factor via “ABCD” method Combination normalized in low-MET region Pseudo-photon selection from monophoton analysis Fake factor definitions January 21 2015
Fake-factor give by ratio of isolated to anti-isolated pseudo-photons Jet Fake Factor Fake-factor give by ratio of isolated to anti-isolated pseudo-photons In Progress January 21 2015
W Control Sample January 21 2015
W Control Sample January 21 2015
Z Background January 21 2015
Z Background January 21 2016
Summary/Outlook Signal Grid, optimization essentially done Single SR for the 2015 analysis EW (e ) background: Almost done; e fake rate measurement being refined QCD ( and j ) backgrounds: Objects defined and final studies underway Irreducible backgrounds W control sample defined Z cross section scale factor determination almost complete Still Needed: Validation study (e.g. 100 < Etmiss < 150) Then UNBLINDING (backup note being developed in parallel with analysis) January 21 2016
Monophoton Pseudophoton Def’n 17.06.2018