Michelle Samuel-Foo , Hugh Smith and Babu Srinivasan Methods Michelle Samuel-Foo , Hugh Smith and Babu Srinivasan
IR4 Biopesticide Study: Control of Whiteflies on Greenhouse Tomato Total nymphs after third weekly spray Sivanto was sprayed week 1 and week 3 A __________________AB____________________________________ Nymphs / 10 leaflets ___B___ F 10, 30 =3.35, P = 0.005 Michelle Samuel-Foo , Hugh Smith and Babu Srinivasan
IR4 Biopesticide study: Control of Whiteflies in Greenhouse Tomato Phytotoxicity Rating after 3rd Spray 5= Extreme Damage; 0 = No Damage A A AB ________ABC_______ F10,30 = 16.42, P > 0.0001 Data Slide courtesy: Hugh Smith Michelle Samuel-Foo , Hugh Smith and Babu Srinivasan
Data Slide courtesy: Babu Srinivasan Bar graph representing whitefly eggs and immatures after treatment with various biopesticides. The bars represent percent reduction from pretreatment counts. Bars with negative percentage values represent an increase from the pretreatment count a ab abc abcd bcd cd d Nymphs Eggs Data Slide courtesy: Babu Srinivasan Michelle Samuel-Foo , Hugh Smith and Babu Srinivasan
Fungal Entomopathogens Mycotrol (Beauvaria bassiana) PFR-97 (Paecilomyces fumosoroseus) Discolored due to infection by the fungus. Mycotrol turns them reddish. PFR is dead and dried out nymphs in the top photo and in the bottom photo we are seeing sporulation. Michelle Samuel-Foo , Hugh Smith and Babu Srinivasan