Behavior Expectations 8th Grade Akimel A-al Middle School
School Grounds Hats/hoodies worn outside, never inside. No GUM! Only water bottles in class (no other liquids) Students must always have a pass unless supervised. Also, never enter a classroom without a teacher present. Food only allowed in class if teacher allows.
Cell Phones Must be turned off from the first bell to the last bell (bell to bell!) (Exception: in class use up to teacher) School is not responsible for lost or broken electronics 1st & 2nd offense – can pick up after school at student services. 3rd Offense – parents have to pick up
Dress Code Straps for tank tops must be at least 2 inches wide; no spaghetti straps or bra straps showing! No mesh, sheer, low-cut tops Shirts long enough to cover chest, tummy, and back Shorts long enough to cover bottom when standing, bending over, & sitting Under garments should be concealed at all times No offensive/inappropriate sayings or pictures Hats can only be worn outside
Discipline Hallway behavior: running, horseplay, food Gum POD REFOCUS Inappropriate behavior will result in being sent to another classroom for a refocus (next slides have details) SCHOOL TIME-OUT/ISI If behavior is severe CONDUCT REFERAL Repeated or severe behaviors Every time = lunch detention: Hallway behavior: running, horseplay, food Gum Hats/hood on in building Cell phones (taken away) 3 tardies to same class in a quarter Every tardy after that
Progressive Discipline Students will be given only five refocuses total per school year. Students are allowed one refocus a day. If a second issue occurs the same day a student will be sent to ISI for a time-out. Students are allowed only two refocuses each week. If a third issue occurs in the same week a student will be sent to ISI for a time-out.
Refocus will be completed on the computer, but will ask these same questions.
Grading Policies HOMEWORK Full credit given for work turned in ON time LATE WORK: policy varies by subject so pay attention to your teachers on this one! EXCUSED ABSENCES Students are responsible for requesting missing assignments and turning them in within the required amount of time. Students have one day for every day absent to complete missing work for full credit.
Bathroom Passes (inside Agenda) To use the bathroom during class you must get your bathroom pass signed by the teacher. If you run out of squares you may end up losing your passing period or being charged LiveSchool points. This policy is not intended to prohibit you from using the bathroom, but rather as a means to preserve valuable instructional time by encouraging you to use the bathroom between classes.
Organization Stay organized!!! Use your planner and write down assignments every day. If you miss school, use the website and the calendar to find out what you missed. It’s a good idea to get a friend’s phone number as a back up!
Take Charge and Act Responsibly Ask questions if you do not understand a lesson or concept. Use the website. Attend Learning Lab if you need extra help.
Beginning Class Smoothly Quickly & quietly take your seat. When the bell rings you should already be in your seat! Stay in your seat during class unless teacher gives you permission to get up. Look at the board/overhead/handout for instructions. Begin activity and then wait for further teacher instructions.
Closing Class Smoothly Keep studying and learning until directed by your teacher. Clean up your desk/floor and organize your homework. When the room is clean and students are seated & quiet, you will be excused. (bell does not excuse you, the teacher does!)