Design Theory Lecture – 1 Ar. Meghna S.
Historic sources of contemporary ideas What is architecture? The art and science of designing buildings and non-building structures According to Vitruvius (De architectura) a structure must exhibit the three qualities of firmitas, utilitas, venustas – that is, it must be solid, useful, beautiful According to Vitruvius, architecture is an imitation of nature. As birds and bees built their nests, so humans constructed houses from natural materials, that gave them shelter against the natural atrocities. Vitruvian Triad
Elements Considerations in architecture: - Human beings - Site & site related criteria - Available materials & technology
Humans – 1 Most important element in design Having unending demands and have curiosity, explorations & innovations Constantly changing pattern of likes and dislikes Changing styles according to principles, philosophies, convictions and whims Anthropometry (Vitruvius man) and certain set of functions Society, culture and occupations play major role
Humans – 2 Study of psychology, behavioral pattern, society for better architecture As architecture of any age is an expression of people and their culture Architecture / designs to suit needs of people Residential, commercial, occupational, institutional, sacred etc type of architecture
Site and site-related Need for shelter itself, arrived from site and site-related factors like geometry, topography, geology, environment, surroundings, climate (temperature/rain/snow/wind etc) Use of engineering technology & inventions to take care of all these factors Application of geometry, mathematics and sciences Methods such as surveying and leveling, measuring sites and plots
Material & Technology Application of materials and technology make designs functional and delightful Use of materials for walls, roofs, floors and finishes Different building materials – stone, brick, mud, concrete, steel etc
Material & Technology Architecture is conceived as: A structure obeying physical law Perceptual impressions evoking subjective emotions Both (inter-related) these can be achieved through application of different materials put together using certain system of engineering technology Few of the examples of helping inventions are air-conditioning, lifts, electricity etc.
Aesthetics Aesthetics is a branch dealing with the nature of art, beauty, and taste, with the creation and appreciation of beauty. More scientifically defined as the study of sensory-emotional values, sometimes called sentiment and taste. More broadly, scholars in the field define aesthetics as "critical reflection on art, culture and nature.“ Various studies, means and scientific principles to create aesthetic effects e.g. Golden Ratio Concerned with all disciplines