Starter Get out: 1. HW booklets and put on front desk in neat pile 2.PAG laboratory book (from box at back) and look at marking of your last PAG.
Lesson Goals Review and evaluate experiment to calculate g. Learn how to use Vernier Callipers and Micrometer Screw Gauge correctly and to evaluate unceratinty in measurements.
Measurement Actual uncertainty Percentage uncertainty Proposed changes to method to improve uncertainty. If any possible. Drop Height measured with a ruler. ±0.01m = 0.01/1.50 x 100 = 0.7% Use a horizontal fixed bar to give more precise start position, reduce uncertainty to ±0.001m therefore 0.07% Manual timing of drop ±0.2s due to reaction time Measurement of laminated strips Measurement of times using light gates and datalogger
How to use Vernier Callipers 2cm 2.1cm 2.13cm 2.13 ±0.01cm
You try What does this show? Be careful… 10.02±0.01cm
How to use Micrometer
You try 2mm 2.88 ± 0.01mm 2.5mm 2.5 + 0.38mm
Now try Measure various items in the lab – choosing the correct equipment for the size of measurement. Record in your lab books two tables one for Vernier Callipers (below) one for Micrometer (careful about units!) Measurement Length 1 /cm Length 2 / cm Length 3 / cm Average length /cm % uncertainty