Objective: Take notes that will help you support the following objective: I can explain why Philadelphia was an important colonial city.
Philadelphia Located in Middle Colonies Key shipping location for food going back to Europe Founded in 1682 One of the oldest cities First planned city Until 1870’s – the largest city in America Received a large # of indentured servants, like Ben Franklin But was one of the first cities to ban indentured servants. Indentured servents: were men and women who signed a contract by which they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia and, once they arrived, food, clothing, and shelter.
Other Philadelphia Firsts Public Park Paper Mill Public School Newspaper in the colonies - The American Weekly Mercury
Volunteer Fire Company Public owned fire engine Hospital Botanical Garden For medical research
Acting Company Scientific Institution Fire insurance company
Brick House (William Penn’s) Bell cast in the America’s Medical School – The University of Pennsylvania
Permanent Theater house Life insurance company Carpet / rug company