Yasmin Saira & Dana Neacsu Interdisciplinary Research in Law: Data mining & interpretation – Business databases for lawyers Yasmin Saira & Dana Neacsu
Research Question 1: Research problem 1: Let's study Allergan - Pfizer merger and tax inversion. What is a tax inversion? Merger steps? How to search SEC filings for a drug merger Look at Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data for these companies.
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Topics: Merger and acquisitions; taxes; ESG Best strategies and best database choice Free and fee-based databases
Research problem 1: Let’s study Allergan – Pfizer merger and tax inversion. What is a tax inversion? What type of information we need? Company financial Information Merger Steps Search SEC filings for drug merger Look Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) for these companies
Database for Research I. Company Research Orbis is best for : Company Information ( National & International) Thomson One (Internet Explorer only) best for : Company data & Mergers & Acquisitions S&P Net Advantages is best for : Industry review & Company data (for public companies only Bloomberg law: GMI Analyst is best for: Environmental & Social Governance (ESG)
Research problem 2: A federal study on a mysterious noise that vexes (irritate –annoy) Windsor, Ont., residents has gathered evidence the disturbance is real and is pointing fingers across the Canada-U.S. border at the blast furnaces of an American steel mill. The locals call the nuisance the “Windsor Hum,” a periodic pulsating, vibrating noise that has bedeviled residents for some time. They would like to sue but then do not know who the defendant would be and whether it is a viable corporation.
Database Search (continued) III. News and Literature Factiva: International and National news Search for ‘furnace noise’ LexisNexis: Cases Company data Business Source Complete: For literature search
Questions? Yasmin Saira Email: ys21@columbia.edu Dana Neacsu Email: edn13@columbia.edu