Review in slides Malaysia
Content Basic socio-demographic indicators HIV prevalence and epidemiological status (1986-2009) Risk behaviors (2006-2009) Vulnerability and HIV knowledge (2007-2009) Economics of AIDS (1993-2002) National Response (2005-2009) Archive
Basic socio-demographic indicators Total population (in thousands) 27,914 (2010)2 Annual population growth rate 1.5% (2010-2015)2 Population aged 15-49 (thousands) 15,082 (2008)6 Percentage of population in urban areas 72% (2010)1 Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 population) 20.4 (2008)3 Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 6 (2008)4 Human development index (HDI) - Rank/Value 57/0.744 (2010)5 Life expectancy at birth (years) 74.7 (2010)5 Adult literacy rate 92.1% (2005-2008)5 Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%) 103 (2007)3 GDP per capita (PPP, $US) 14,011 (2009)3 Per capita total health expenditure (Int.$) 604 (2007)4 Source: 1. UNFPA The State of World Population 2010 2. UN Statistics Division 2010: 3. World Bank World Development Indicators & Global Development Finance ; 4. WHO World Health Statistics 2010 5. UNDP Human Development Report 2010 6. UN Population Division - Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision, Population Database
Risk behaviours
Percentage of condom use at last sex among populations at higher risk, 2009 Source: Power point presentations of Preliminary Findings of IBBS 2009 by Malaysian AIDS Council
Percentage of IDU who used sterile injecting equipment the last time they injected drugs, 2009 Source: Power point presentations of Preliminary Findings of IBBS 2009 by Malaysian AIDS Council
Risk behaviors of IDU, 2007 The majority of IDUs initiated drug use before the age of 18 years and shift to injecting very fast Heroin is the main drug of injection An increasing number of people use amphetamines as their main drug of choice Rates of sharing of injection equipment are very high Condom use is less than 20% with all kinds of partners * WHO & University of Sains, RAP, 2008
Sex risk behaviours amongst IDUs, in the last month 5 10 15 20 25 30 sex with regular partner casual bought sex sold sex male - another male did not always use condoms always used condoms Behavioral Sentinel Surveillance 3 cities , 2006
Archives 9
Risk behaviours
% of most-at-risk populations reporting consistent use of a condom during anal sex, in the past 12 months, 2004 Ministry of Health’s Behavioral Surveillance Survey (IDUs and FSWs), 2005
% of IDUs who always shared needles, 2004 Ministry of Health’s Behavioral Surveillance Survey (IDUs and FSWs).
% of IDUs who reported using sterile injecting equipment the last time they injected, 2004 UNGASS Country Report, 2008
% of all sex workers reporting the use of a condom with their most recent client, 2004 UNGASS Country Report 2008
% of population 18-49 yrs who had unprotected sex with casual or commercial partners, in the past 12 months, 2002 UNGASS Country Report, 2008. N= 6,083
% of population 18-49 yrs reporting the use of a condom the last time they had sex with casual or commercial partners, 2002 UNGASS Country Report, 2008
slides compiled by THANK YOU slides compiled by Data shown in this slide set are comprehensive to the extent they are available from country reports. Please inform us if you know of sources where more recent data can be used. Please acknowledge if slides are lifted directly from this site