Classroom Management Philosophy Jade Kirchoff-Foster and Angel Alexander
INTASC Standards Standard #3 The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. Name of Article: Classroom Management Philosophy Date: November 19th, 2014 Course: EDUC 240: Introduction to Physical and Health Education for Teachers Brief Description: For this assignment, we review the author’s philosophy of classroom management and present our own classroom management and safety philosophies. Rationale: We demonstrate the skills for this standard with this assignment. Our collaboration of ideas to use in our future classrooms to encourage flourishing learning environments for students.
Author’s Philosophy Student involvement in own classroom behavior Teacher and students working together to achieve appropriate behavior Students taking responsibility for own actions
Reaction Students to take responsibility for both good and bad behaviors
Classroom Management Philosophy Importance lies within community Students involved with making set of classroom rules
Classroom Management Philosophy con’t Teacher’s responsibility to find cause of behavioral issues to work toward solutions Student holds responsibility of own behaviors, good AND bad
Safety Philosophy Explain safety rules BEFORE every activity Emphasizing personal space Respect for property Permission required for classroom materials A place for everything and everything in its place
Classroom Management Routine Plan Explain why these procedures are in place, not simply “This is what is done.” Visible posters of all classroom procedures such as hallway, entering, exiting, and transitioning behaviors
Behavioral Cues Wind chimes “Attention Getters” Hand signals
References (1 2 3) Kovar, S. K.-O. (2012). Elementary Classroom Teachers as Movement Educators. In Managing and Teaching the Physical Education Lesson: Supervising Class Activities (pp. 214-220). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Wagner, K. (2005). Routines and Procedures for Managing Your Classroom. Retrieved November 18, 2014, from Education Oasis: