What is an Entrepreneur Mr Kuhn
Entrepreneur Simple Definention A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. Entrepreneur Simple Definention
A More Complex Definition “An entrepreneur sees an opportunity which others do not fully recognize, to meet an unsatisfied demand or to radically improve the performance of an existing business. They have unquenchable self-belief that this opportunity can be made real through hard work, commitment and the adaptability to learn the lessons of the market along the way.” A More Complex Definition
Yet Another Definition “An entrepreneur is someone that creates a new business. This can carry a high risk because it requires money to set up a new business without knowing if it will give a return on investment.” Yet Another Definition
The Importance of “Risk” While there is no definitive definition to what an entrepreneur is, it is vital that every definition includes the inevitability of risk Develop your own understanding of what being an entrepreneur means to you, but do not ignore the risk in it The Importance of “Risk”
Entrepreneur is not a job. Leader is not a job Entrepreneur is not a job. Leader is not a job. Social media guru is not a job. “If there’s no real expertise, no real product, no real business, no real risk, and no real prospect for return on investment, you’re not working. And you’re not an entrepreneur, either.” Entrepreneur + Capital = Products + Customers = Business. Risk and Product
Evan Spiegel is the CEO of Snapchat. That’s his job Evan Spiegel is the CEO of Snapchat. That’s his job. It’s a real company with a real product, real employees, and real investors. What he really identifies with is the cool ephemeral messaging app the company he co-founded and came up with. They managed to attract hundreds of millions of extremely engaged users and raise more than half a billion dollars in venture funding. I can go on but I think you get the point. These guys have jobs. Real jobs. They have products. Real products. And they have real companies that do real business. What Does That Mean?
Being an Entrepreneur Comes Second “If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, don’t start out wanting to be one. Start out with a customer problem and a product that solves it. Get capital. Make the product, market it, win customers. Someday you’ll wake up and realize what you’ve become: a guy who took a risk, started a business, and made money. An entrepreneur.” Being an Entrepreneur Comes Second
So Lets Start… Money for Nothing For the first two weeks of school, this class will have a competition to see who can raise the most money in two weeks alone or in pairs The rules are simple, you and a partner need to make as much money as you can in two weeks without spending any of your own money You and your partner will be responsible for creating a presentation that answers the following: What did you do to earn money? How much money did you earn? What did you learn? What would you do the same/differently Due to school guidelines, no money can be made on school grounds Keep it legal… So Lets Start… Money for Nothing