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Presentation transcript:

CJA 234 mart Perfect Education/cja234mart.com FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cja234mart.com

CJA 234 Entire Course (UOP) CJA 234 Week 1 Individual Assignment: Prison Comparison Contrast Paper CJA 234 Week 2 Individual Assignment: Federal Prison Comparison CJA 234 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment: Correctional History Q&A Response CJA 234 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment: Correctional Systems Q&A Response CJA 234 Week 3 Individual Assignment: Prison System Comparison Paper

CJA 234 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 Week 1 DQ 1 How would you describe prisons for women? How would you compare women's prisons to those for juveniles and for men? What would happen if there were no distinction for prisons among the groups previously mentioned?

CJA 234 Week 1 Individual Assignment Prison Comparison Contrast Paper (UOP) Individual Assignment: Prison Comparison Contrast Paper Prepare a 700 to 1,050-word paper in which you define and examine the theory and ideal of a penitentiary. Be sure to take into account historical factors and precedence in your evaluation, and compare and contrast

CJA 234 Week 2 DQ 1 and DQ 2 CJA 234 Week 2 DQs WK 2 DQ 1 How would you define jail? What is the historical role of jails as it applies to corrections? How can we improve the role of jails within the correctional system?

CJA 234 Week 2 Individual Assignment Federal Prison Comparison (UOP) Write a 1,050-1,750 word paper is which you research and describe the prisons to which these individuals were sent. Be sure to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between each of the individuals listed below who were all convicted of federal crimes and sent to federal prison. Martha Stewart Ivan Boesky Michael Millken

CJA 234 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Correctional History Q&A Response (UOP)  Prepare a response in which you answer the following Discussion Questions: What are the various forms of punishment exercised during the 1700’s? Which criminal activities/events lead to these types of punishment(s)? Compare and contrast the criteria between various societies for criminal sentencing during the 1700’s. How would you describe prisons for women? How would you compare women’s prisons to those for juveniles and men? What would happen if there were no distinction for prisons among the groups previously mentioned? COURSE SYLLABUS: CJA/234 11

CJA 234 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 CJA 234 Week 3 DQs WK 3 DQ 1 What is sentencing? How does sentencing impact corrections? How can we improve sentencing so that it improves the correctional system overall?

CJA 234 Week 3 Individual Assignment Prison System Comparison Paper (UOP) Prepare a 1,050 to 1,400-word paper in which you describe and analyze the history of state and federal prisons. In your analysis, compare and contrast the COURSE SYLLABUS: CJA/234 13 differing levels of security in state prisons and federal prisons, as well as the reasons for growth in the state prison systems.

CJA 234 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Correctional Systems Q&A Response (UOP)  Prepare a response in which you answer the following Discussion Questions: How would you define jail? What is the historical role of jails as it applies to corrections? How can we improve the role of jails within the correctional system? What are the various problems in jails? How do these problems impact

CJA 234 Week 4 DQ 1 and DQ 2 CJA 234 Week 4 DQs WK 4 DQ 1 How would you describe prison life? How has the evolution of prison life changed over time? What recommendations would you suggest for life of prisoners at the state and federal level?

CJA 234 Week 4 Individual Assignment Sentencing Paper (UOP) Individual Assignment: Sentencing Paper Write a 700 to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the principal objectives of punishment within the U.S. corrections system. What are the state and federal objectives of punishment? How does sentencing impact the state and federal corrections systems overall? Be sure to support your reasoning. Properly format your paper according to APA guidelines.

CJA 234 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Correctional Management Q&A Response (UOP)  Prepare a response in which you answer the following Discussion Questions: How would you define the role of a warden? How does the Warden’s role impact the correctional system within criminal justice? What would happen if the Warden role did not exist with the correctional

CJA 234 Week 5 Individual Assignment Rehabilitation Paper (UOP)  Write a 1,050 to 1,750-word paper in which you define and examine the origins of rehabilitation in prison, and the option of parole based on rehabilitation. Be sure to address the following in your paper: How would you define prisoner rehabilitation? How does prisoner rehabilitation affect prisons, as well as general society? What recommendations would you make to improve prisoner rehabilitation? What is parole? How does parole differ from man

CJA 234 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Prisoner Q&A Response (UOP)  Prepare a response in which you answer the following Discussion Questions: What is an example of female prisoner background? How would you differentiate male and female prisoner background? Is there a better solution to prisoner background classification? Explain. What is the definition of a state prison? How do state and federal prisons differ? What would happen if state prisons were assimilated into federal prisons effective immediately? SYLLABUS: CJA/234 19

CJA 234 mart Perfect Education/cja234mart.com FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cja234mart.com