A Home for Everyone Conference Housing First A Home for Everyone Conference July 16th and 17th, 2014
West Central Wisconsin Community Action Agency, Inc. M I S S I ON To take action against poverty by developing the social and economic assets of low-income families and their communities and by working to create a more just and sustainable society.
Serving 7 Wisconsin Counties Barron Chippewa Dunn Pepin Pierce Polk St. Croix
What services are provided? Housing Apartment Rentals Homeless Prevention Homeownership Weatherization Energy Assistance Food (Access & Resources) Transportation (JumpStart) Skills Enhancement Literacy
Housing Assistance Housing counseling and financial assistance for homeless persons, renters, and homeowners Homeless Prevention Program Tenant Based Rental Assistance Rapid Re-Housing Transitional Housing Permanent Supportive Housing Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers in Dunn, Pierce, and St. Croix Counties Homebuyer Education and Assistance Foreclosure Intervention Counseling and Assistance
The Old Way vs. The New Way
Are you “ready” for housing? Are you compliant with shelter staff? Are you employable? Do you have a serious mental illness or substance use disorder? Do you have a history of violent criminal charges? Do we think you have a high chance of success?
So Why Change? Most vulnerable not being helped Continued utilization of other community resources (ER, CPS, Crisis line, Shelter) Homeless numbers not declining Research based evidence for Housing First model Better housing retention Lower rate of return to homelessness
What is Housing First? Philosophy of providing housing Program Model Housing is a right, not a reward Housing provides stable environment to address other issues Program Model Immediate focus on housing Minimal barriers to obtaining housing Targets the most vulnerable Supportive services offered, not required
Housing First Model in Practice Program Entry VI-SPDAT to prioritize most vulnerable Participant understanding of program model Finding housing Working with landlords In-home case management Be up front about participant barriers
Housing First Model in Practice Program Participation Supportive services offered, but not required PSH v. RRH v. TH Regular home visits are an expectation Harm reduction approach Program moves with the client if an eviction occurs Program termination is rare
Housing First Model in Practice Case Management Initial focus: overcoming housing barriers and finding safe, appropriate housing Once housed: focus on long term goals, support to maintain housing, and connection to community resources Goals are developed by the participant, NOT case manager
So how do we make the change?
Getting Everyone on Board Board of Directors What is their role in your agency? Program Staff A paradigm shift in program philosophy and service provision Local CoC members This changes how referrals will be made Landlords Developing new and deeper relationships
Impact on Case Managers Paradigm Shift Housing Stability v. Rules Harm Reduction v. Abstinence New role as Team Leader Coordinating participant, therapists, sponsors, psychiatrists, family, and many more supports Morale may be affected Feeling unskilled/unprepared Ethical dilemmas
Financial Impact of Change Planning for supportive services High barriers, low community connection Plan for moving costs Security deposits, cleaning, damages Training costs for staff Mental health interventions, crisis intervention, Motivational Interviewing, trauma-informed services, Wellness Recovery Action Plans, harm reduction
Impact on Management Clinical Supervision Weekly Staffings Manager Contract with mental health professional Weekly Staffings Help clarify roles Help staff recognize housing problems as symptoms of the clinical issue Address Morale Issues Reframing situations Addressing compassion fatigue
RESOURCES Back to Basics: What Exactly Is Housing First & Rapid Re-Housing? (OrgCode Consulting) http://www.orgcode.com/2012/05/15/back-to-basics-what-exactly-is-housing-first- rapid-re-housing/ The Applicability of Housing First Models to Homeless Persons with Serious Mental Illness (HUD) http://www.huduser.org/portal/publications/hsgfirst.pdf VI SPDAT (100,000 Homes Campaign) http://100khomes.org/resources/the-vi-spdat Affordable and Supportive Housing Research (USICH) http://usich.gov/usich_resources/research_and_evaluation/affordable_and_supporti ve_housing_research/ Pathways to Housing http://pathwaystohousing.org/
Contact Information Robyn Thibado Associate Director West CAP rthibado@wcap.org Corin Tubridy Homeless Prevention Programs Manager ctubridy@wcap.org