Impacts and Impressions NPN Conference 2016 Impacts and Impressions Daniel Rigsby Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services
Expectations Came to conference with minimal prevention experience Intrigued by the focus of the conference on advancing a prevention agenda in an era of health systems reform Hoping to expand my knowledge of prevention strategies both on the macro level as well as on-the-ground efforts
Our Agency Environment Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services (HAMHDS) Vision Statement: We envision an inclusive, healthy, safe community where individuals lead full and productive lives. HAMHDS is in process of significantly increasing on site Primary Care Services and more medically focused prevention services Recent award of SAMHSA grant will allow us to offer 40 hours per week of onsite primary care services as well as patient education and illness prevention Have implemented InSHAPE Program addressing obesity and related health issues in individuals with co-occurring mental illness
Agency Structure HAMHDS is structured in three divisions: Developmental Disabilities Services; Administration; and, Clinical and Prevention Services Prevention has primarily been viewed as services to children and adolescents in neighborhoods experiencing social stressors We have struggled to find a way to incorporate prevention services into the array of services offered through the agency
Impact Conference introduced me to the framework of: Prevention: Treatment: Recovery This framework resonated with much of the work that we are doing in the agency, moving away from focusing solely on treating illness, and increasing focus on prevention and recovery. This framework also provides a much clearer structure to incorporate Prevention Services as an important element of the overall services provided.
Impact Continued In meeting with Clinical and Prevention Managers following the conference, we identified all of the services that we provide that fall into each of the three categories. This activity resulted in increased awareness of the scope of prevention services we currently provide both to adults and children throughout the agency.
Highlights from List of Prevention Services Offered Mental Health First Aid—Youth, Adult and Corrections officers Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) to Police, Sheriff, and EMS On-site HIV Testing in conjunction with The Health Brigade Teen Job Placement Program Media Campaigns related to Suicide Prevention Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Groups Substance Abuse Outreach to mothers of substance exposed infants Charles City County Health Coalition Tuberculosis and Hepatitis C education to clients Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) in jail settings Jail Diversion Program for individuals with mental illness Anti Smoking Initiatives More medical screenings—height , weight, blood pressure Standing Committee focused on Wellness On site Primary Care Services
Impressions and Take-Away’s Increased awareness of the scope of prevention services currently offered This awareness raises questions about how our prevention services are structured and coordinated throughout the agency Because multiple programs are providing these prevention services, the services are not always well coordinated With the addition of more medical prevention services, we will need to think about how to incorporate these services into our broader prevention activities. Exercise with managers also increased awareness of our need to expand the range of Recovery Services offered