Federal Grant Programs Conference October 23, 2017 Lessons Learned: Leveraging Local Resources, Curriculum, and Title I to Improve Student Achievement Federal Grant Programs Conference October 23, 2017
Learning Goals Revisit the ideas of tiered instruction or RTI. Understand the different components of an effective tiered instruction/RTI model. Understand the benefits of a unified approach towards improving student achievement. Identify components of your school’s/district’s instructional program that can be better aligned to improve student outcomes. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Our Story: Morris realized exceptional gains by integrating efforts. Promoting faculty buy-in of RTI Committing local resources to specialists Carefully choosing curriculum and assessments Strategic Use of Title I Deliberate planning the School Day Promoting shared ownership of all students Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Our district Lenox: A small town of about 5500 in Berkshire County. Enrollment: Total district enrollment of about 770 in grades PK-12. 18.2% Economically Disadvantaged (2017) 26.6% High Needs Structure: 2 Schools – a PK-5 elementary and a 6-12 middle/high school Staffing: About 100 licensed faculty, about 50 staff Title I Designation: TAP, one school. Total grant of about $165,000. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Morris School 2011 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Morris School: 2010-2011 Good performance but inconsistent gains in ELA and math. Inconsistent models of instruction within grades and across grades. Disconnect of services between classroom instruction and Title I. Traditions and individual preferences dictate schedules and, to a lesser degree, curriculum. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Morris School 2012 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Morris School 2016 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Tiered Instruction http://www.monroe.k12.al.us Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Specialists Reading (2010): Responsible for selecting curriculum, supporting teachers with coaching, selection and delivery of benchmark assessments, diagnosis of reading issues and identification of interventions, and providing interventions to students. Co-leads data teams. Math (2012): Curriculum, coaching, benchmark assessments, and identification of math deficits and identification of interventions. Co-leads data teams and provides interventions. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Data Teams: Grade 2 Reading Fluency Name: June Sept./Oct. Jan March May A Christian I I-J K-L M C Sarah M+ N O+ Q Charlotte O P D Aiden J-K K J Aurora E E-F MOVED Oliver L-M L -- Spencer Greta S Jaydah G-H H-I Logan R Henry M-N Sophia H T Michael O-P Title below level 2 quarters Watch below level 1 quarter Sped Intervention on level above level 1 quarter above level 2 or more quarters Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Tiered Instruction http://www.monroe.k12.al.us Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Title I Services Title I Teacher/Parent Liaison (1) Coordinates program/assessments Plans interventions Provides interventions Title I Tutors (3) Provide interventions Support instruction (grades 1 and 2) Conduct progress monitoring assessments Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Title I Services Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Title I Interventions 20 -30 Minutes Small Group (no more than 3 students) Skill Focused Intended to be temporary Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Research-based Curriculum 2010: K-3 Fundations Phonics Program Literature-based ELA (Daily Five) 2011: GoMath! Aimsweb and Curriculum-based benchmarks 2012: Technology-based supports for classroom instruction 2014: Professional Learning Communities established for teachers to focus on aligned practice, pacing instruction, and solving instructional problems. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Tiered Instruction Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
The School Day 90 minute ELA block 60-90 minute math block 30 minute intervention periods PLCs Interventions provided through push-in, side by side, and pull-out models. Specials, Arts, Language, etc. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Shared Ownership Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Tiered Instruction Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Lessons Learned: Tiered Instruction works. Create a positive, unifying narrative. ‘Moving the dial’ on a school-wide basis takes a school-wide effort. Quality interventions make a huge impact. Initiatives enacted in isolation will be limited in benefit. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Questions, comments? Timothy Lee, Superintendent Lenox Public Schools tlee@lenoxps.org Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education