Welcome to San Joaquin Delta College Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) SPRING 2011
Mission Statement The Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) is committed to provide: Equal access to educational opportunities for every qualified student with a disability Quality support services for every student with a disability.
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN K-12 SYSTEM & COLLEGE SYSTEM IDEA, Section504 Section 504, ADA “Search & Serve” “Request & Self Disclosure” District identifies student(s) Makes assessment Student provides documentation Establishes eligibility Identify educational limitations Develop I.E.P./I.T.P Develop S.E.P. Provides support and/or special classes Provide support services and/or special classes
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN K-12 SYSTEM & COLLEGE SYSTEM Districts ensures that the I.E.P. is implemented and goals are met Student is responsible for own goals and progress Parents & Special Ed. professionals may advocate for student Student advocates for self; uses D.S.P.S. staff Fundamental alternation is allowed to the: Accommodations may NOT alter fundamental nature of credit courses, degree requirements or certificate programs program of study instructional methods Student may receive certificate of completion instead of diploma Student may receive approved vocational certificate of AA/AS Degree
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN K-12 SYSTEM & COLLEGE SYSTEM Personal /attendant services may be provided Student provides attendant care Transportation to and from school Public transportation—Dial-A-Ride/C.A.T./SMART
College Obligations Provide students, who have a verified disability, reasonable accommodations and access to college programs, activities, and services
Steps to DSPS services Application Assessment Tests A/P testing Appointment with DSPS counselor Develop S.E.P. Authorize accommodations
Other Services at DELTA COLLEGE Financial Aid BOGG Fee Waiver LD Assessment Specific model for post-secondary (High School/College Norms Different) DSPS Computer Support Lab Support classes *Learning Skills Course Sections Special Ed – Survival classes Spring 2011
SUPPORT SERVICES & ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS Assistance with paperwork and Priority Registration Specialized counseling Learning Disabilities Program Specialist and Study Coaches Interpreter services for the hearing impaired Accommodated testing Alternate format for educational materials Note takers Recordings for the blind and dyslexic Mobility Support Services E-text
SUPPORT SERVICES & ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS Equipment Loan/Use Tape recorders Closed circuit television magnifiers Kurzweil 3000 reader Braille Embosser Manual and electric wheelchairs Talking calculators FM Systems for the hearing impaired Adaptive computer equipment PIAF-Embossing machine Tables/chairs Alpha Smart Word Processor Echo Pens
SUPPORT SERVICES & ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS Campus Liaison Community Liaison – Department of Rehabilitation Career/Job placement services Adaptive Technology Center Early registration Evacuation/safety
Contact DSPS San Joaquin Delta College De Ricco Building, Room #233 5151 Pacific Ave. Stockton, CA 95207 (209)954-5151 ext 6290 See web site for email address
“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” ---- Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) Thank You