Our Classroom News Reading Writing Math Social Studies Week of: September 11th -15th What’s Happening This Month A Note From Miss Barrett Gradeparent Mtg. Sept 19th @ 6:30 Please return your gold sheets Spirit Week Sept. 25th – Sept. 29th - more info to come Bus Safety - Sept 25th We had a great first full week! We learned the rules of the classroom and school, we explored where everything is located in our room. Pete the Cat wrote us a letter and we followed his clues around the school to locate other employees. We also learned how to respect people and materials in the room/school. We read the “Kissing Hand” and made you a handprint. Please continue to review the rules at home. (Share and care, listen with your whole body (sit nicely on the mats), the Golden Rule, use an inside voice, respect people and materials) A Peek At What We Are Learning Reading Explored letters in poems and songs, learned sight words “I” and “love” so we could read “Pete’s Shoes” and “Chester’s Friends” Writing Every morning we do shared writing through the morning letter, made a Pete the Cat class book about turning his shoes different colors. We had to write the color words by using the colors word posters on the wall and illustrate it Math Explored math manipulatives – pattern blocks, unifix cubes, tiles, colored cubes. We named them, learned how to play with them, and how to put them away. We played math games that included counting Pete’s buttons and making patterns with unifix cubes Social Studies We learned about the rules of schools and communities. Sneak Peek for Next Week “All about Me” and “Friendship” - Have a wonderful weekend!