How to read through to find the facts! FAKE NEWS How to read through to find the facts!
Fact or Fake, You Decide Let’s see if you can tell the difference: Number your card 1-5, to correspond with the following websites. In your group you will determine if the website is fact or fake. Then, you will record on your notecard, three reasons why you think it is fact or fake. RYI Hospital Dihydrogen Monoxide Pacific Northwest tree Octopus Dehydrated water The republic of molossia
Why? Satire and Irony Bias Satire is used in many works of literature to show foolishness or vice in humans, organizations, or even governments - it uses sarcasm, ridicule, or irony. For example, satire is often used to effect political or social change, or to prevent it. *Political Persuasion *Advertisements Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. *Political Persuasion *Advertisements *Persuasion to Believe Their Way
Know your GTLD’s & Fact Check (Generic Top Level Domains(GTLDs) THINK LIKE AND EDITOR .com (Commercial use) Anyone can have one of these.(-) .net (Network use) Anyone can have one of these.(-) .gov (Governmental use) Statistical Information and Data.(+) .org (Organization use) Well Researched Organizations.( +/- Sometimes can be Biased) .edu (Education use) Organizations for Educational Information.(+)
How and Where to Check Snopes: It fact checks advertisements and questionable stories, most you would encounter through email, facebook, and popups. It checks political statements and videos. WhoWhatWhy: It checks political stories and historical information. NPR Finder’s Guide to Facts: It fact checks news articles, videos, shows, and radio statements. Easy Bib: This is one you should use most of all when researching information. It will check to see if the resources you chose are credible pieces of information.