3.17.14 Bell Ringer Check your voting rights graphic organizer. Fill in any empty boxes.
Tars are C.H.A.M.P.S. HW: Agenda Bell Ringer(5 min) CHAMPS(2 min) CONVERSATION: Partners: think pair share. HELP: Ask a neighbor or raise your hand. ACTIVITY: Education and the Chicago City Council. MOVEMENT: Sit with your partner and stay seated. PARTICIPATION: No cell phones, no heads down, no copying. Be positive and cooperative! HW: Agenda Bell Ringer(5 min) CHAMPS(2 min) Review Voting Rights(5min) Film Clips and Education(10 min) Partner Work (10min) City Council (10min) Tars are C.H.A.M.P.S.
Case Study Voting Rights Reform from the Progressive Era to today People: Who is involved and define who they are Places: where did the events occur? What were the claims made by the reforms of the time period? Progressive Era: South and South Eastern States Voter discrimination was common in southern states therefore the FEDERAL Government should REGULATE voting the States. 1965 Voting Rights Act 21st century: Voting discrimination is over, we don’t need 1965 Voting Rights Act.
Voter education and Voting Rights Act 1965 Problems/concerns with voting? According the text and/or video Solutions: to voting reform: How did Americans attempt to reform voting rights? Did the reforms present and help pass a solution the issue at hand? Cite evidence to support your answer. Progressive Era: Voter education and Voting Rights Act 1965 21st century: Get out the vote campaigns Voter education Fighting to maintain 1965 Voting Rights Act REFORM (JT) the Voting Rights Act
Film Clips for Education Chicagoland Episode 3:30-10min Asean Jackson LTAB Group Piece TEAM Englewood
Mayor Emmanuel and City Council Issues in Education in the 21st Century Potential Solutions Use the video clips to fill in the boxes What do you think should have happened? CPS has a ‘budget crisis’ and the population of Chicago is changing resulting in some schools with less students than their capacity at 30 students per class. Mayor Emmanuel and City Council Use an algorithm based on demographics to find and close 54 elementary schools. Families Chicago School Board Chicago Teachers Union LTAB Team Englewood
City Council Film Clips March 5th City Council Meeting Reports from Committees STEM Programs Start at Minute 23
Chicago City Council
Exit Ticket: #4 A. Thinking about the performance task this week and past performance tasks, predict your strengths and limitations. B. Also, rank your preferences for topics for your performance task, 1 being the one you’d like the most and 6 being your least. Human Trafficking, Birth Control, Voting Restrictions, Food Safety, Conditions of Public Housing, Immigration Policies