Theme Map for Year 3: Summer 1 Theme – The Romans *Programming with Kodu Experimenting with sequencing and debugging commands to create a game. *Developing skills in cricket. *Reading and enjoying a variety of Roman myths. *Further developing skills and confidence in swimming. Please encourage your child to read each day *Reading and responding to plays and dialogues before writing our own. *Reading and writing traditional poems. PE English *Discovering the Roman Gods, and thinking about what the Roman’s impact on our lives today by studying bath houses and roads. *Learning about Boudicca and the rebellion against the Roman invasion. ICT *identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers * explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant Year 3 The Romans Science History Music Geography Art and DT *Learning an interactive composition using body percussion, instruments and voice. *Making a Roman mosaic Focus on insects, sketching shape, using colour and sculpture. *Exploring the geography of the Roman Empire and the Roman invasion of Britain. Discovering the location of Hadrian’s Wall. Solving a range of one and two-step problems involving number, shape and measure, Maths RE PSHE *Estimating and reading time with increasing accuracy, *Comparing the duration of events. *Learning how to use four figure grid references to locate objects. *Recalling and using multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8x table. *Understanding and being able to express feelings. *Learning how to cope with challenging feelings. *Exploring and responding to beliefs, festivals and symbolism of Hinduism.