Showcase – A Roman battle WOW Opener – Toga Party English Performance poetry Myths, Legends, Fables and Traditional Tales Art/DT Roman mosaics Research Roman mosaics – design and make a Roman Mosaic Design and build a Roman chariot Science Forces and magnets Understand that forces are pushes and pulls Plan and carry out a fair test investigation Investigate which materials are attracted to a magnet Explain that magnets have 2 poles. Music Famous Composers Maths Addition and subtraction Decimals and money Measure Multiplication and Division Links to Learning Tangents Romans Romans Year 3 Summer 1 Geography Map work to understand the spread of the Roman Empire Plot the Roman invasions on a map. Values/PHSE People who changed the world. Rosa Parks History The founding of Rome Roman Legacies The success of the Roman Army Roman Entertainment Showcase – A Roman battle ICT Design and create a game (Scratch) RE Christianity - Jesus PE Rounders Athletics