Curriculum Information Evening 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Curriculum Information Evening 2017 Welcome to Year 4 Curriculum Information Evening 2017

Teachers All Year 4 teachers work closely as a team with regular communication. Your children get the benefit of input from two teachers with different but complimentary skills. 4K 4S Monday Miss Kemp Mrs Stepto Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Mrs Knowles Friday Mrs Cunningham

Teaching and learning will cover a range of subjects, sometimes taught discretely though often topic based. Topics include: Autumn Term: The Romans Spring Term: Anglo-Saxons / Vikings Summer Term: North America

SPaG Spelling Punctuation Grammar

Beat That! Challenge A weekly challenge which involves the children competing against themselves to mentally answer number bonds and multiplication and division facts up to x 9.

P.E. Tuesdays (indoor) and Wednesdays (outdoor) Swimming – Friday (until Nov 10th) Indoors - children need t-shirt, shorts, pumps For outdoor games, trainers and shorts (leggings/tracksuit bottoms for when it’s colder).Please leave kits in school all week) N.B. Stockport’s policy specifies no jewellery to be worn during any P.E. lessons – this includes studs which have to be removed. (Please wait until July 2018 to have any ears pierced!)

Homework Reading Spellings – Wednesdays for Monday Maths – Fridays for Wednesday Termly Topic Menu

Visits / Trips Chester Grosvenor Museum Tuesday 3rd October 2017 Museum of Science and Industry Spring Term Summer Term - TBC Other educational experiences (including workshops in school) may be arranged during the course of the year if opportunities arise.

Werneth Arts’ Project We have strong links with Werneth High School and the children will be given the opportunity to work with specialist teachers in dance. In previous years, the children’s learning has been showcased in the annual Year 4 Arts’ Celebration in June at Werneth.

Music Wider Opportunities weekly music lessons (Wednesdays)

Please ensure that all of your child’s clothes are labelled with his or her name!

Communication Any problems or concerns – please call in and talk to us or make an appointment Letters, including weekly information letter Parents’/Carers’ Meetings: Tuesday, 17th October Thursday, 19th October

Website Our school’s website is: