The instruction of a father Joshua 7:6-9; 10;13
WHAT’S IN A NAME A child looks for affection from their mother; but approval from their father To carry the name of the father a child has additional pressure to live up to or overcome the value of that name: Proverbs 22:1 It then becomes a life mission to bring honor to that name: Psalm 23:3 Therefore, the father desires to instruct/teach that child in such a way that they learn the things pertaining to a better life: Proverbs 22:6
Lesson #1: No shame in failure While a mother will nurture compassion; a father’s mindset is to foster courage! God tells Joshua to “GET UP!” v. 10 It is a man’s way of saying forget about what went wrong, move on It is a man’s way of encouraging that child to be and do better It is a man’s way of saying that success only comes through failure It’s God’s way of telling us He know our future….
Lesson #2: embrace the possibilities God tells Joshua a second time: “GET UP” - A mother will wipe away tears; a father will wipe dirt on it… A father will challenge their children to take responsibility for themselves A father will challenge their children to be accountable for their actions A father wants for his children to rise to every occasion Our Father wants us to know there is more to life than what we see