What can an astronaut see from his window? Spring Term 2015 LEARNING GUIDE FOR THE UPPER FOUNDATION STAGE - RECEPTION Personal, Social and Emotional Development ( SEAL -Good to be me) Classroom rules - expectations Start to identify that they are all special Aware of own feelings Understand that their actions affects others Cleaning teeth Physical Development Moving & handling Developing moving safely around the hall and moving in different ways Developing ball control (eg kicking and throwing balls of different sizes). Health and Self care Putting on and fastening own coat Dressing and undressing for PE independently Communication and Language Listening & attention Following instructions Developing their attention and concentration skills (listening to stories). Speaking & Understanding Questions why things happen and give explanations. Asks who? what ? when? How? Questions Uses Vocabulary focused and linked to space (eg planets, stars, space, rockets) Exploring understanding of prepositions such as under, on top, behind by carrying out an action or selecting correct picture related to vocabulary. Mathematics Name and describe 2D shapes when making rockets and 2D shape patterns Weigh and order moon rocks Finds 1 more or less from a group Add 2 groups of aliens to find the total Counting objects and writing numerals 0-9 and beyond Counting up in 10s and 2s What can an astronaut see from his window? Spring Term 2015 Understanding the World The world Exploring space and what is in space. Exploring light and dark Technology Developing confidence using the ipads and class computer Using the listening centre correctly (using the play and stop buttons). People and communities RE – stories Jesus heard and told Noah’s Ark, Jonah and the Whale, Daniel and the Lion’s Den Literacy Reading The focus this term is on the book ‘ How to Catch a Star’ by Oliver Jeffers (linked to the cultural pathway) Re-telling the story using visual aids and actions Exploring non-fiction books related to space and finding facts out about space Writing To write names correctly To write labels To write simple captions and to say what they have written Expressive Arts and Design Music Elton John – Rocket man (cultural pathway) Learn space songs to familiar tunes Explore different sounds (fast & slow) using different instruments Combine and manipulate different resources to make a star catcher Explore different textures Select and use tools safely when shaping and joining materials
ST. ANN’S C.E. PRIMARY SCHOOL AND NURSERY CENTRE SCHOOL ADDRESS Lathom Avenue Warrington WA2 8AL SCHOOL TELEPHONE 01925 632210 Email – stanns_primary@warrington.gov.uk Please let us know as soon as possible if your child is unable to come in to school for any reason. SCHOOL INFORMATION School hours 8.55am – 3.10pm Head teacher Mrs Kate Keen CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Rev. S. Parish RECEPTION TEAM Class Teachers Mrs Sherwen Mrs Murray Teaching Assistants Miss Hilton Miss Barr SCHOOL DATES School starts back – Tuesday 6th January 2015 Holidays Half term- Finish on Friday 13th February – Back in school on Monday 23rd February. Easter holidays - Finish on Thursday 2nd April – Back in school on Tuesday 20th April May day bank holiday – Monday 4th May 2015 For all other dates and events please refer to the school Newsletter REGULAR EVENTS DURING THE WEEK * Homework folder sent home for the spring term Monday- Snack money. £1.20 in an envelope please Tuesday- PE, Please bring PE bags into school. Wednesday- ** Learning Journals (one group a week) Thursday- Friday- Celebration assembly 9:15am in school hall THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP YOUR CHILD AT HOME Naming 2D shapes, counting /recognising numbers 1-10 and beyond and 1 more / less Listen to your child read and practice words and sounds daily. Encourage your child to speak confidently in a sentence using the correct tense. Teach them to put their coat on and off, plus get dressed and undressed by themselves (this will help when getting changed for PE) Play “I spy” and read words in public places e.g. “danger” “Tesco” etc. Help them to write their full name, forming letters correctly. We are aware that some children may be able to do many of these targets already. All children will be moved along the learning curve and level of play at their own rate *Remember to ask if you have any queries. CULTURAL PATHWAY Author – Oliver Jeffers Composer – Sir Elton John Artist – Vincent Van Gough SCHOOL VISITS Walk around the school and to the local park Visit to St Ann’s Church