Scholar Green Primary School Parent Information Evening 19th September 2017
Welcome Agenda Speech from Head Boy/Girl New staff
Awards / Successes Primary Science Quality Mark Gold Eco Third Green Flag Animal Safari Productions Sports Coaching North West Sports Festival Overall Winners Sports Gold Mark 16-17 Thank you!
School Development Plan In your pack you will find a school development plan. This details a few of our priorities for this academic year. Raising attainment and progress of pupils in reading, writing and mathematics. Parental Engagement & Pupil Voice – ensuring parents know how they can support their child at home and children know their targets for improvement. Safeguarding Priorities
Parent Information Pack In your Key Stage pack you will also find: Long Term Plans Curriculum Overview Curriculum Newsletters Spelling Lists Hints for reading at home Questions to ask your child when reading
Your opinion counts at Scholar Green Primary School. Communication Your opinion counts at Scholar Green Primary School. Website Newsletter Facebook Additional means of communication include: parent’s evenings, parent forum, questionnaires, open door policy, letters, text and telephone calls!
Attendance 2017-18 Rewards will once again be given to children with above 97% attendance each term. At the end of the year those children with 100% attendance will receive the attendance medal. The Local Authority have now instructed us to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for pupils with unauthorised holidays or more than 10 late sessions in a term. 1 day off per school year = 99.5% attendance 10 days off per school year = 94.7% attendance 20 days off per school year = 90% attendance 90% attendance = 4 whole weeks off school Less than 90% attendance in year's 1 - 6 = Half a year off school
Parent Forum The parent forum aims to represent the views of all parents and to be a voice to inform our school of the needs of children and families. We aim to have a minimum of 1 representative per year group. Meetings Following feedback from last year, meetings will be held alongside other school events. Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday29th September 10:00 – 10:30 Family reading event 15.12.17 at 1:45pm Family sharing of work 29.03.18 at 1:45pm Family sharing of work 19.07.18 at 1:45pm
Homework EYFS, KS1 and Lower KS2- list to choose from Use homework to support children’s learning at home Be imaginative and creative Year 5 and 6 becomes more formal and are set prescribed tasks Homework will be given out on Thursday and to be returned promptly by the following Tuesday Incentive and rewards: Homework Hero DAILY counting or times table practice and reading 4 times per week
Changes to our EVC policy
Year Two Residential 1 night June 28th 2018 – Beeston Outdoor Education
Year 4 Residential –Petty Pool Adventure Centre – 23rd May 2018
Year 6 Residential Wednesday 6th June– 2 nights Following the success of our residential last year we have booked a 2 night and 3 day residential trip to Acorn Adventure, Tan Troed, Llangorse, Brecon, LD3 7UE.
Golden Time Behaviour standards continue to be outstanding at Scholar Green and we want them to remain so! Rules displayed in every classroom. Activities changed regularly to match the needs of the children (Pupil Voice)
You will be informed either in person or by text if your child loses 5 mins Golden Time.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Action Plan To ensure that SEND children or children with additional needs are carefully catered for throughout the broad and balanced curriculum. Pupil Voice is considered in relation to their views about the work that they have undertaken, what they have learnt and their experience of learning. Parental engagement/ involvement in their child’s learning Pupil Passports
EYFS- Nursery and Reception Apply for Nursery through School Apply for Reception place through Cheshire East- remember having a place in the school nursery does not entitle your child to place in Reception. Offering 30hr funding for 3-4 year olds Offering an enriched curriculum from 2-5 year olds across the phase Outdoor learning is a priority Linking with parents
Governors The governing body is responsible for the conduct of its school, and must promote high standards of educational achievement at the school. It is the school’s accountable body Parent and staff representatives are voted onto the board of governors, as well as community governors Full governing bodies meet at least three times a year, there are also additional committee meetings and steering groups. Some governors have specific roles, such as English governor, Maths governor who liaise with the subject leader to ensure a clear picture of the school’s current position.
Pupil Premium Purpose: This is additional funding that your child’s school can claim. It is available for any child who qualifies for free school meals due to their family income. The money can be used by the school to help to provide more support to the children, to help develop children’s academic progress, their self esteem or their social and emotional skills. Accountability: The Government believes that head teachers and school leaders should decide how to use the Pupil Premium Grant and we publish our annual report on the school website . What does this mean for Scholar Green Primary School? Provide high quality teaching Interventions to support vulnerable learners Rigorous monitoring of the impact of all spending and interventions. We need parents to contact Cheshire East to see if your child is eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant. Please see the detailed information in your pack.
Parent’s and Teacher’s Association (PTA) What we do Run events throughout the year to raise funds Last year we have raised a total of £3017.60 Last year we purchased: Christmas Pantomime tickets, Year 6 revision tests, Sports day water for all children, Year 6 Leaver’s T-Shirts. Our future plans We really welcome all new parent whether you can attend meetings or events. We also welcome ideas for new events. We are raising money to buy Forest School equipment for the pupils in school. PLEASE COMPETE THE FORM IN YOUR PACKS . .
The Den – Flexible Childcare 7:30am -6:00pm (Term Time & Holidays) Bookings for October ½ term need to be made by 30th September
Thank You for coming Teachers are available should you have any questions. Parents workshops are taking place on Tuesday 3rd October 3:30 – 4:00pm – Nursery and Reception 4:00 - 5:00pm – Years 1 and 2 5:00 – 6:00pm – Years 3 and 4 6:00 - 7:00pm – Years 5 and 6 From these it is hoped that you will know what your child is learning in school and how to support them in their learning at home. Parents evening – November 6th and 7th November Please remember to take your information pack