What does it represent?
The myth….and the reality? “We’re civil servants. We serve the people. We have to try. Or at least show that we are trying” “We foster a cohesive and harmonious society, based on respect, care and concern for fellow citizens.” “What we do in the Public Sector affects the well-being of many Singaporeans. What we do contributes directly to the development of Singapore, whether in the economic, social or security spheres.” “We think it’s a bunch of lousy bullshit, and we really have better ways of spending our time than dealing with crap like this” “We get a chance to make the law, develop it, as well as change lives” “I’m serving out my bond”
The myth? Vs. The reality? “We foster a cohesive and harmonious society, based on respect, care and concern for fellow citizens.” “We’re civil servants. We serve the people. We have to try. Or at least show that we are trying” “What we do in the Public Sector affects the well-being of many Singaporeans. What we do contributes directly to the development of Singapore, whether in the economic, social or security spheres.” “We think it’s a bunch of lousy bullshit, and we really have better ways of spending our time than dealing with crap like this” “We get a chance to make the law, develop it, as well as change lives” “I’m serving out my bond”
Lesson aims To explore the presentation of the civil service & civil servants, comparing it with the myth created. To consider what Jean Tay’s purpose was in creating such characters.
While you watch….note What impression is created of the civil service in this scene? What is their relationship with ‘the people’ they are serving? How is it similar to/different from the values of the ‘ideal’ Civil Service?
Analysing Scenes 3, 11 & 12 In groups…..analyse what the civil servants say. Try to link back to the ‘idealistic’ image of the civil service, as created by the government rhetoric.
What do they represent? If Jean Tay says the agents are ‘the real people you meet on the street, the people who annoy you’, who are the civil servants? Her husband is a civil servant – what is she trying to show/say about them? Write your answer on the post-stick note and pass to me.