Tiger Sharks by Max Fielder
The Scientific Name for the Tiger Shark is: Galeocerdo cuvier (Ga Lee oh Serrdo Soo Vee Yay)
Tiger Sharks are not half shark, half tiger
Tiger Sharks are: Enormous. They can weigh up to 1400 pounds and grow to 14 feet long. They are grey on top and off-white on bottom. They are designed to swim fast.
Tiger Sharks are the trash compactors of the sea. They eat EVERYTHING Stuff Tiger Sharks Eat: Birds Stingrays Turtles Seals License plates Tires
When A Tiger Shark is Born Tiger Shark pups are only 20 inches long when they are born. Even though they are so small they have to survive on their own.
But Tiger Sharks are Excellent Survivors
Survival Skills Their skin is grey and white with stripes which gives them camouflage in the ocean. If a predator does find them, they are built for speed and can turn very quickly.
They are so good at surviving they have only one enemy: Humans
Tiger Sharks are very interesting animals We should protect them
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