Chromosomal Mutations
Chromosomal Mutations Affects an entire chromosome or chromosomes Typically occur during meiosis (gamete formation) but can also occur during mitosis Can lead to cancer some cases We will look at: Translocation, Deletion, Duplication and Inversion Few harmful gene mutations are passed on to the next generation because the zygote usually dies. If it lives, the offspring may have birth defects.
Deletion of part of a chromosome - Genetic Material Breaks Off A B C D E F G H A B C E F G H Gene “D” has been deleted
Duplication of Part of a Chromosome – Extra Copies of a Gene are Generated B and C were duplicated A B C D E F G H A B C B C D E F G H
Inversion - Part of A Chromosome Breaks Off and Reattaches Backwards B, C and D Inverted to Become D, C and B A B C D E F G H A D C B E F G H
Translocation - Part of One Chromosome Breaks Off and Attaches to a Different Chromosome G H W X A B C D E F G H W X Y Z Y Z Translocation OR Or