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Presentation transcript:

National Education Cluster meeting Monday 20th February 2016 07827 824 415 Skype – KatyNoble.HST 0780 928 8702 Skype – mugabi-fred 07511 240 140 Skype – Abdirisak09 0750 475 0567 Skype – Samirizzat 0780 921 4815 Skype – ashihan

Introduction from both MoE Criteria?

Previous Meeting Action Points Responsible Status UNHCR to share all their refugee (including out-of-school) data with the Cluster.   UNHCR Not yet received. UNESCO, UNICEF & UNHCR to meet with MoE KRG regarding criteria for payment of transportation incentives. UNICEF & MoE KRG MoE KRG to provide criteria for Principal selection and UNICEF can proceed. UNICEF Education section to share detailed assessment report as soon as it’s finalised UNICEF UNICEF will share ASAP. Partners to share the reports of any education assessment conducted to the cluster Partners Some partners have shared, but others are encouraged to do the same! UNICEF to convene a meeting with West Mosul partners to map out what financial / in-kind support is available. Meetings held and funding/agreements are being finalised. Cluster to create a Schools Database for partner reporting IM Team OCHA have agreed to add schools to AI so we’re finalizing this, so no School Database needed!

Update from MoE To support partners’ implementation and bottlenecks, MoE will communicate the official MoE/DoE Focal Points for all Ninewa locations to the Cluster, in 2 days time (Hassan Sham & surroundings; Hamman Al Aliel; Qayyarah & surroundings; Nargizila; etc) MoE given authorization for partners to set up formal schooling in camps (inc. Hammam al Aliel), they will provide the teachers whenever possible. If no formal teachers available within the camp, then the MoE will do rapid teacher training to graduates, and they can deliver formal curriculum. Returnees focus from April

West Mosul Offence started yesterday, but so far no data from OCHA/DTM on displacements. Cluster Coordinators will attend West Mosul coordination meeting on Tuesday afternoon – we’ll send updates after. West Mosul Camp mapping: Hasan Sham U2 = NRC (or Bartella if it opens before HS U2) Chamakor = NRC - Salamiya = Human Appeal Hammam Al Alil = SCI - Haj Ali extension = SCI Qayyarah extension = SCI - Jeddah extension = SCI - Hasan Sham M2 extension = INTERSOS Returnees focus from April

West Mosul Are these partners’ funding, staff & supplies ready so that TLS tents can be put down as soon as IDPs arrive?

East Mosul Joint planning meeting with Education and CP partners meeting on Wednesday 22nd at 1pm, SCI Erbil Assessments – partners to please continue sharing assessments with the Cluster. Rapid EiE Kobo Assessment available in Arabic for all partners to use. Contact us for Log-in details! Access issues – partners to please flag their issues to CMCoord team. Following a reassessment of situation in East Mosul, UN missions will resume. Returnees focus from April

UXO / Explosive Hazard Clearance Many schools in newly-retaken areas have explosive hazard concerns, either because they haven’t been cleared at all or their clearance standard was low. But the good news is that it seems that ISF EOD (clearance teams) efforts are ramping up! For a few of the schools we flagged to UNMAS, when their teams arrived to remove UXO, the ISF had been the previous day to respond  Returnees focus from April

How to Report UXO/EH concerns If your teams have concerns about a school in terms of mine clearance, please email/call/SMS the Education Cluster ASAP with the following reporting information: Name of school Photo of the school name sign/nameboard Photo of the front of school building GPS location School principal or teacher phone number Description of type of threat/concern Photograph of the concerning issue (if safe/possible)

Mine Risk Education MRE is an essential element of any EiE programming in newly retaken areas! Partners need to factor MRE costs into your budgets! Remember it can only be delivered by accredited Mine Action organisations, not by your own agency… Education partners to contact Mine Action Sub-Cluster directly to get connected with the appropriate accredited MRE agency (Sara RIJAVEC Please ask Cluster if you want repeat of frontline-worker mine risk training to take place like last September Returnees focus from April

Attacks on schools The Cluster is tracking attacks on schools, esp. in East Mosul. We’ve seen an acceleration of reported attacks since 24th January (when ISF took full control of East Mosul). Not enough evidence on whether: Intentional vs indiscriminate rockets Credible vs rumours ( Partners to report to the Cluster any information they hear about incidents in schools. Cluster then passes this onto MRM, who then check validity of reports by checking on the ground (and have mandate to raise issues up to UN Security Council level) Partners encouraged to be careful with messaging on these incidents (avoid “schools are being targeted”, “schools are under attack”) Returnees focus from April

Education after ISIL Conference NOGAV WRO DAD Chavin Organisation

Education after ISIL Conference The DoE Ninewa’s ‘With Education We Create Hope’ conference was successfully held on Saturday! The Minister of Education, Deputy Minister and many other government representatives re-affirmed their commitment to improving education in post-ISIL Ninewa. Researchers presented different research findings and recommendations to form the starting point for planning processes. Returnees focus from April

Objective of the project Access to inclusive quality “primary and secondary education” for IDPs and Refugees in crisis-affected areas in Iraq Objective of the project Increase access to inclusive quality primary and secondary education for IDPs, returnees and refugees, living within and outside camps in the six governorates Sub-objectives 1: Develop the capacity of civil society organizations active and relevant in the provision of educational services in Iraq (through partnership)   2: Foster policy dialogue with the GoI, the KRG and local authorities delivering education in emergencies (UNESCO) 3: Establish partnerships with I/NNGOs to: Improve access to inclusive education for vulnerable school-age children (equality) Adapt education and learning environments to the situation of vulnerable children (quality)

Timeline and key numbers Activities Dates Formal launch of the call for partnership From February 20, 2017 (Date to be confirmed) Closing date for inquiries Date +10 days Deadline to submit proposal and application form Date + 3 weeks Start date of implementation period for Y1 April 2017 (tentative) Figures Number Year 1 budget for component 3 $3.776 M Total budget for component 3 $11.34 M Total beneficiaries 100,000 Distribution of beneficiaries 65,000 IDPs 30,000 Returnees 5,000 Refugees

Geographical areas

Structure of the partnerships Cross-cutting activities School construction Mine risk education Implementation model Relevant organizations apply as stand-alone or fellow partners Relevant organizations are part of the above partnership structures (punctual or regular) Organizations are waived from the principle of exclusivity Principle of exclusivity applies

Contacts Technical questions Frederic VINCENT +9647809270328 Skype: frederic.vincent0708 In Erbil up to February 28 Admin, etc. inquiries GPS: 36.187369, 43.995843

Refugee Education Update - UNHCR

Information Management ActivityInfo: new interface for 2017 step-by-step powerpoint guide training workshops training videos Partner sharing of assessments Ensuring that when your agency does assessments (e.g. WASH Team, Food Security Team, Protection Team, etc) that they include a few EiE questions in the assessment mission!! Individual questions about AI, come and see Fred and Ayad after the meeting!

Mosul Crisis Response: Education Dashboard 18 Feb 2017 Funding required: $10m Current Funding: $38% Current No. Partners: 9 Type of Orgn Among the recently displaced people by the Mosul emergency, 35% are school aged. The feared displacement in Western Mosul may double this figure. Children Displaced* 56,106 # Children supported through EiE Activities Out of this, 14,636 re boys & 13,825 girls IDP children participating in non-formal education majorly in camp settings. Children Supported in TLS 28,461 These resumed education following the re-opening of 30 schools in Eastern Mosul with partners support. Schools Re-opened in E. Mosul 70 Teachers & PTAs Displaced school-aged children in camps are not accessing any form of education activities due to funding gaps IDP Children Need EiE Support 27,645 Children reached per camp Challenges - Unpaid teacher salaries hampering the re-opening of schools in the re-taken areas in Eastern Mosul. - Insufficient number of textbooks available for formal learning. - Limited funding for partners stalling the scaling up of the response in non-camp locations. Contact:

The IDP Call Center..

IDP Call Centre Established in 2015 by UNOPS in Iraq to promote accountability - Around 60,000 calls handled since its launch (98% of the calls received are from IDPs) - 9 operators (English, Arabic, Kurdish) - From Sunday to Thursday (8.30am – 4.30pm)

IDP Call Centre 2015 : 8999 (with Korek and Zien) 2016 : 80069999 (free number) 2017 : 80069999 (free number) and extend the service, with continued outreach campaign (SMS services etc.)

IDP Call Centre Hotline can provide : > information on humanitarian services > feedback / complaints > referrals (eg. PSEA Task force) For more information:; Partners can also visit the Call Centre (in Erbil UN Compound)

AOB: Sub-National meetings Centre South: 26th February, 10am, NCCI Baghdad Dahuk: 28th February, 10am, venue tbc Erbil: 6th March, 9am, SCI office Kirkuk: 26th February, 11am, SCI office  Sulaymaniah: 20th February, 10am, DoE office Tikrit: 21st February, 11am, Sorouh office

Next meeting: Monday 6th March 2017 Thank you! Next meeting: Monday 6th March 2017 07827 824 415 Skype – KatyNoble.HST 0780 928 8702 Skype – mugabi-fred 07511 240 140 Skype – Abdirisak09 0750 475 0567 Skype – Samirizzat 0780 921 4815 Skype – ashihan