Understanding Human Development Chapter 3 Understanding Human Development
Introduction Video to Chapter 3 https://youtu.be/fKyljukBE70 Things you’ll learn: Changes that occur in the human body to prepare for reproduction Pregnancy How one cell changes into a living organism Science & technology
What is the Gestation Period? It is the time that is needed for an animal to develop before birth Reference pg. 79
Reproductive System Ch. 2 review: male & female gonads produce gametes What makes the gonads start producing gametes? Pg. 80 Drummmmm rollllllll…. HORMONES
Humans & Puberty When does puberty begin? Early to mid teens What happens to the human body at this point? Hormones signal to pituitary gland in brain to start producing the hormone follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) Signals are sent to testes in males and ovaries in females to begin sperm and egg production
Puberty in Males Testes begin to produce the hormone what? Testosterone Sperm will be produced for a males entire life
Puberty in Females When hormone FSH is sent to ovaries, they become stimulated to begin maturing & release eggs and this is called your period. Females continue to produce the hormone? (pg. 81) Estrogen
Another line graph… Look at pg. 81 in yellow
The Male Reproductive System T-chart time… (draw a t-chart on the board) pg. 82 Main purpose of the male reproductive system is what? To produce as many healthy sperm as possible… but in most cases only 1 sperm from millions will reach an egg to fertilize it to reproduce
Female Reproductive Anatomy Ovaries: Located on both side of a female’s main body cavity Ovum (egg) is released approx. every 28 days This process is called ovulation The ovum is headed to the uterus where it can live up to 24- 48 hrs If egg is not fertilized by sperm; it will die and menstruation begins
Con’t The uterus is an organ What is the purpose of the uterus? Fetal development happens aka a baby will grow & develop Pregnancy tests detect a hormone known as luteinising hormone (LH) Hormone progesterone & LH will provide the support for a developing fetus & baby
Con’t Rigorous activity may delay puberty in females Why? Fat deposits are small, lack of estrogen production Low body fat can impact bone density that can lead to the decline in estrogen which stops menstruation