Senses Quiz 2
1. What part of the eye is the sensory “tunic”, and is actually part of the brain? 2. What are the two types of photoreceptors in the eye? 3. What are the three types of cells in the retina? 4. True or False, the macula contains only cones. 5. True or False, the fovea contains only cones. 6. The inner two thirds of the eye receive blood from which artery? 7. What fluid is like jelly, and helps maintain pressure inside the eye? 8. What structure within the eye allows you to focus on objects that are close by? 9. What are the two chambers in the eye? 10. Which eye disease is associated with diabetes? 11. Which nerve transmits info from the ears to the brain? 12. What is the name of the tube that links the ear to the throat?