Element #1: Shape Vocab: Elements of art Shape Geometric Negative Abstract Cubism Distortion Deconstructed I can create abstract art using geometric and organic shapes with different mediums. Classify art by subject Create art using organic shapes Create art using geometric shapes
Element #1: Shape A shape is … a two-dimensional line that is enclosed Geometric shapes Organic shapes Negative shapes Shapes that guide How is shape used in art?
Geometric shapes > can be measured Organic shapes > freeform + natural
Shapes Made by Negative Space Andy Goldsworthy, Environmental Art
Shapes that Guide your Eye Around the Picture Grant Wood (1891–1942) Parson Weems’ Fable, 1939
Shapes can also help you draw..
Your art (2/2) > Cartoon Any Style Draw a cartoon character in a chosen style.
4 Abstract Movements: Impressionism Fauvism Cubism Pop Art
1. Learn to draw a subject by BREAKING IT DOWN INTO SIMPLE SHAPES
Practice – Follow along with a step-by-step You need: -sketchbook or paper -sharpened pencil -eraser
Fauvist Impressionist
Pop Art Cubist
Fauvism Evidence of the artist was in the visible brush strokes Preferred vibrant colors over realistic qualities. Henri Matisse - Woman with the Hat, Paris - 1904-5
André Derain, 1906, Charing Cross Bridge, London
Impressionism Small, short brush strokes. Interested in the changes of color due to natural light. Claude Monet - Japanese Bridge - 1899
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Bal du moulin de la Galette, 1876
Pop Art Favored normal, everyday subjects. Used pure, bright colors. Roy Lichtenstein
Andy Warhol
Cubism Flat, simple shapes Overlapping views Picasso, Weeping Woman - 1937
Pablo Picasso