H. Rème, I.Dandouras and A. Barthe IRAP, Toulouse, France 10th CAA Operations Review Annual Report of the HIA Experiment on board Double Star TC-1 H. Rème, I.Dandouras and A. Barthe IRAP, Toulouse, France
Introduction HIA: Spare model of Cluster CIS-HIA instrument, onboard TC1. Recent HIA archival activities: We spent a lot of time in HIA data filtering activities, more than expected. We could deliver filtered HIA 1D and 3D data products, for the whole mission, by the end of 2015. Same job remaining to filter HIA moments. We had to switch back on Cluster data, particularly to provide Cluster data quality flags, but we will continue to produce HIA moments.
Status of Management No change in the management: PI : Henri Rème Deputy-PI : Iannis Dandouras Archive engineer : Alain BARTHE No funding for this task, we are working on Double Star data in addition to our Cluster Work.
Overview of Instrument Calibration Status HIA-TC1 calibrations have been stable through the mission.
Overview of Data Production Pipelines Our procedure to produce HIA ion distribution functions consists to: produce 3D data CEF files from both CDROM versions, old and G (reprocessed) for each one, create a new dataset, computing the sum of 3D counts run an algorithm to identify spikes (single or multiples) produce filtered CEF 3D files, for both old and G versions, deleting previously identified spikes Then we can: browse all kind of 3D datasets in a same plot, zooming when necessary to check and compare filtering results modify/improve algorithm parameters and iterate
3D filtering plot example
Raw data selection We can also compare for each day: number or records (old and G version) number of filtered/remaining records in both versions That gives a good idea of raw data to select, but in some cases, more records could mean lower quality (noisy data recovery). A manual validation is always needed to select the data we want to put into the archive.
Data recovery example
Algorithm issues In some cases, even after tuning our filtering parameters, we could see that our algorithm was filtering (removing) real data. Such events were detected during the manual validation step, and the corresponding intervals were added in a time-table database. Our filtering algorithm is now taking into account these exceptions, and after reprocessing, it is not any more filtering these time periods.
Algorithm issues
Procedure enhancement CC20-AI-24 : to consider to merge filtered data files from two raw data versions in Double Star. For instance, one can take version G data and for a spike or a gap in G one can check the old file if it contains data and include them (see annex 45-50 in 16th Crosscal) This was not implemented for the production of the HIA 3D distributions, but it should be considered for the production of the HIA ion moments.
Caveats datasets We got from the very beginning of the mission a caveats database, with identified events such as: eclipses, data gaps, energy shift, resets, noisy data We have improved it manually during the human validation step: browsing day after day the whole mission updating caveats timing accuracy separating intervals previously identified as noisy in "noisy data" or "cleaned data" (after filtering) adding new caveats This was a time consuming job, but necessary to improve data quality (cf. next slides).
Energy shift events
Noisy and cleaned events
Density filtering The next step will be to produce filtered HIA ion moments. We started to make some tests but a lot of work remains, particularly for human validation of the results. A first slide gives a good example of density filtering, 2014-11-10 18:00/22:00 But the next one seems less efficient, for the same date but for 16:00/24:00 We need to tune our filtering parameters, and a manual validation will be absolutely necessary (time consuming).
Density filtering example
Density filtering example
Density filtering using caveats We are thinking of using our caveats database to filter densities. The next slide shows an "energy shift" incident, which adversely affects the density values. These caveats intervals have been identified with pretty good accuracy, along the whole mission, and can now be used to filter the data.
Density filtering using caveats
Overview of Instrument Product Deliveries Datasets 2004 2005 2006 2007 D1_CP_HIA_1D_PEF F D1_CP_HIA_3D_RC D1_CP_HIA_3D_CS D1_CP_HIA_3D_PF D1_CP_HIA_3D_PEF D1_CP_HIA_ONBOARD_MOMENTS D D1_CP_HIA_CAVEATS D: data delivered (unfiltered) F : filtered and delivered data
Overview of Instrument Product Deliveries HIA 3D/1D data products have been filtered and delivered for the whole mission. HIA caveats are ready to be delivered Some work remaining before delivering ion moments: some work still necessary to tune our filter algorithm human manual check is still necessary we will continue delivering progressively HIA densities, in parallel of our Cluster activities.
Status of Instrument Products – Recent Deliveries No recent deliveries (following the delivery, last year, of the filtered 1D and 3D HIA data for the whole mission). We switched back to Cluster in the previous months.
Status of Instrument Products – Required Redeliveries No requirements for redeliveries
Summary of Problems and Open Issues Time-sharing between Cluster and Double Star activities Delivering filtered HIA ion moments: still to be done.
Instrument Calibration Plan for 2016 No further HIA-TC1 calibration plans.
Data Production Plan for 2016 Preparation and delivery of filtered HIA ion moments.