© The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing. Table 3. Effect of PSB inoculations on growth and yield of peanut plants Parameters Control GP70 GR1 PR29 GR70 PP22 Nodules number 00b±00 14a±1.82 17a±5.68 05b± 1.63 15a±6.21 Leaf area (cm2) 0.86d±0.16 4.53a±0.47 4.67 a±0.19 2.40b±0.11 1.58c±0.08 4.41a±0.25 Root length (cm) 22.68ab±3.63 25.31ab±4.26 28.68ab±7.58 24.93ab±3.27 22.12b±4.97 30.50a±5.31 Shoot height (cm) 46.63b±1.88 48.50ab±2.64 52.63a±4.64 52.38a±3.30 45.75b±1.55 49.63ab±2.28 Fresh root weight (g) 0.33a±0.06 0.38a±0.04 0.40a±0.10 0.31a±0.04 0.21b±0.02 0.35a±0.03 Fresh shoot weight (g) 3.98bc±0.53 6.41a±0.97 5.95a±1.11 5.04ab±0.69 3.34c±0.52 6.06a±0.81 Dry root weight (g) 0.055c±0.008 0.098a±0.008 0.087ab±0.018 0.07b± 0.007 0.045c±0.006 0.08b±0.008 Dry shoot weight (g) 0.41d±0.05 0.93a±0.06 0.79b±0.14 0.65c±0.08 0.41d±0.04 0.82b±0.06 Values in lines followed by different letter differ significantly Driss BOUHRAOUA et al. Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Efficiency on Mycorrhization and Growth of Peanut in the Northwest of Morocco. American Journal of Microbiological Research, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 5, 176-180. doi:10.12691 /ajmr-3-5-5 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.