Dawson High School’s First Meeting 8/28/17 Model United Nations Dawson High School’s Club First Meeting 8/28/17
- Join our Remind by texting @d2f6c to 81010 If you haven’t already, - Join our Remind by texting @d2f6c to 81010 - Visit/save our Website: dawsonmun.weebly.com - Put your name on the sign-in sheet
Model UN Officers President: Emmanuel Yamba Vice-President: Elizabeth Cao Treasurer: Eric Alvarez Secretary: Aditya Namjoshi Commissioner of Conference Activities: Adith Ram Commissioner of Club and Crisis Activities: Kate Yordy
What is the Model United Nations? It is an educational simulation of the United Nations (UN) and it’s various committees. By participating in Model UN, students learn about diplomacy, international relations, current events, and the Unite Nations. Model UN is an internationally recognized extra-curricular with countries all of the world participating in it. Delegates from prestigious colleges like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton participate in multiple inter-collegiate competition every year.
Our Goal To help our members become interested in policy making, problem solving, and the workings of our international community. To pomote political awareness and discourse. To create a club with an educational and fun experience.
What Do We In this Club? Our club’s focal point is conferences. One of which is the Houston Area Model United Nations, or HAMUN (January 25th and 26th) at the University of Houston. At conferences, we as a school represent 2-3 countries in specific committees and advocate for the right policies that would not only benefit us, but the world as whole. Throughout the year, we prepare for our conference, and learn about the stances the countries we select have on various issues.
Continuation of What Do We In this Club? Most meetings will be the following: Current Event Discussions Mock Conferences Researching/Preparing for Conference Public Speaking Practice Debates Informational Meetings Outside of meetings: 1. school activities (Flock Party, Lunar New Year, and UN Day (possibly)) 2. Raising awareness about various issues.
By-laws To maintain order, we have created by-laws to help run the the club smoothly. Some key things are: - Article VI: Point System - Article VII: Conference Participation
How do Model UN Conferences Work? Two main events in Model UN: - Committees: An assembly where delegates of a countries who are apart of a specific organization within the UN (UNESCO, WHO, UNSC) aim to make a resolution on a particular topic regarding that organization area of expertise. - Crisis Committees: It is an assembly where students roleplay as key individuals in a historical event. Each committee is made up of students, with each student representing the views of a different country. Together, the students in the conference work to set up a plan to solve the issue they are discussing, known as a resolution.
Here are Some Countries We Are Thinking of Representing As a Club This Year at Conferences: Sweden Norway Jordan South Korea Chile Japan Argentina South Africa Malaysia Indonesia New Zealand
What Awards Can You Get From Participating in Model UN? Some awards you can get at Model UN conferences include: The Best Delegate Award The Outstanding Delegate Award The Honorable Delegate Award The Best Position Paper Award
Why is Model UN important? Model UN will teach you important skills, like how to persuade others, how to understand global politics, and how to write professionally... In Model UN conferences you will meet new people, eat great food, and have an overall great experience. *cough being committed to a club like ours is good for college applications *cough