3.1 Hardware Strand 3 Sara Liquori
3.1 Hardware Hardware is a comprehensive term for all of the physical parts of a computer, as a distinguished form that data it contains or operates on, and the software that provides instructions for the hardware to accomplish tasks.
3.1 Hardware The hardware topic is associated with input and output devices, the processing unit, and your use of storage space. When taking the ITGS class you will need to know the basic information about these things to understand the basic works of ITGS.
3.1 Hardware Input And Output Devices Keyboards Mice Touch pads Microphones Smart card readers webcams Sensors Probes Touch devices Printers Monitors Speakers Projectors
3.1 Hardware Positives When understanding what hardware is and how it works you will have the knowledge to upgrade to the best computer suitable for you. You will also understand the computer systems.. For example: Types of computers (PDS, desktop, laptop) Motherboard CPU ROM/RAM Secondary storage Flash memory Bit/byte/megabyte/gigabyte/etc..