new literacies in the classroom By: Kayla Blankenship, Carson McGrath, Jonathan Stanciu, and Alison Tuchman
Television Television helps students learn visually Medium for watching educational movies, programs, and games Cost: $100-$200 Using TV in the classroom: ucation/k- 12/resources/classroom_ tv.cfm
World Wide Web (www) The World Wide Web, or internet, provides teachers and students with instant access to information. Allows for easy research and expansive problem solving. Cost: Few hundred dollars per school m/education/k- 12/articles/34848.aspx
Smartboard Smartboards are a way to bring a computer to the big screen Allows for a visual way of learning. Cost: $1,000-5,000. m/Technology/story?i d=4278772&page=1 #.TzM7NvllyGk
Laptops in the Classroom It is a great “tool” for students to use in the classroom. Interactive learning with technology We are in a technological era; technology plays a big part in our lives. Cost: Whatever the family/student wants to spend on the laptop. m/Research/Nair/Laptop_Cl assrooms.htm
iPad Recent product, gets children more involved in learning Some schools provide them because .They are used to communicate and do homework. The iPad includes books and textbooks that can be downloaded Endless amount of aps: for academic purpose and fun Benefits of Using iPads in Schools
Email Main source of communication between schools and parents as well as teachers and students Easy, accessible, and quick communication between people. Creates easy communication between classmates especially at the college level How Google Apps are used in secondary education Email Email is quickly becoming the new form of “snail mail”
Elmo It’s great for classroom presentations Displays data, graphs, charts, video, and other visual media Cost: $2,690.99 m/index.php Reference: mo-tt-02s-multimedua- projectors/cbs/214919 .html Great online schooling option for kids grades k-12 that do not thrive in a traditional classroom Cost: Free Tuition for online public school Reference: FETC2009/SecurityPavi lion.aspx